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  否定的比较级,最基础的模式是将less加在原形形容词前,不管这个形容词是几个音节,比如cute的否定比较级就是less cute,happy的否定比较级也就是less happy。这个很简单,但当否定式比较级以no或者not等词来组合时,情况则大不同。比如下面这样一组经典比较,我们在后面根据意义接近的原则,列出了与其意义基本上相同的熟悉词来帮助理解短语的含义:①I have no more than $10,000. =only;②I have no less than $10,000. = as much as;③I have not more than $10,000. = at most;④I have not less than $10,000. = at least.
  由上面经典组稍作引申,我们以big为例来讲解如何对“否定式比较级”作反转肯定。A is no bigger than B,在这一句中,意思可以解读为A和B都很小,也就是A is as small as B。 而在A is not bigger than B中,意思则需解读成A和B都大,只是A不比B大,最多一样大。而用less来组合,A is no less big than B解读成A和B一样大,A is not less big than B解读成A和B一样大,A大,不比B小。由此,我们可以得出“否定式比较级”的一组反转肯定公式:
  1. A is no+形容词比较级+than B =A is as反义形容词as B;
  2. A is not+形容词比较级+than B=A is as形容词 as B or less;
  3. A is no+ less +形容词+than B=A is as形容词 as B ;
  4. A is not+ less +形容词+than B=A is as形容词 as B or more。
  这样,如果你遇到no more unhappy than,你就立即知道是“和……一样高兴”的意思,同理,no less unhappy than则是“和……一样不高兴”的意思。我们来看例题:
  1. He is very clever. And he is that girl.
  A. no more than B. not more than
  C. no less than D. not less than
  2. He doesn’t want to stay at home go to the movie theatre.
  A. more than B. much less than
  C. any more than D. no less than
  3. You are careful than your brother. You two can’t do the work that needs care and skill.
  A. not more B. no more C. not less D. no less
  上述三题中,第一题答案对应4号公式选D,他很聪明,不比那个女孩差。第二题稍有冲击,但你要知道no就等于not any,因此C选项就相当于no more than,对应1号公式,将not any more than暂时剥离出来,这样看句子就是肯定式,然后对应公式得出应该是想去的反面,即不想去,符合句意:他既不想待在家里也不想去电影院。第三题的后半句暗示两个人都不细心,但题干却有细心这个词,故应取反义,这样只有1号公式有反义,故答案选B。
  此外还有一种反转肯定,存在于由never,nobody等构成的“否定式比较级”以及“can’t /couldn’t +比较级”的结构中,这两种可以反转成相当于最高级的肯定含义。例如:
  I’ve never seen a nicer bird than this one.=This bird is the nicest one I have ever seen.
  Nobody is more diligent than Bill is.=Bill is the most diligent person.
  The food in that restaurant couldn’t taste worse. = The food in that restaurant tastes the worst.
  I can’t agree with you more. = I agree with you most.
  I couldn’t care more. =I care most.
  I couldn’t care less. = I care least.
  4.—How did you feel when Li Na won the runner-up of Australian Open?
  —I couldn’t be_____.
  A. much excited B. more excited
  C. most excited D. less excited
  5. —What do you think of his singing?   —Oh,no one does _____.
  A. better B. well C. good D. best
  最后补充一下much less,still less引导的词组或从句,它表示一种追加的否定。less是由little的否定意义而来,故这两个词组只能用于否定句中,意为“更不用说、更不必说”。请看例题:
  6. He is not used to speaking to a stranger, to a large audience.
  A. much less B. much more
  C. no less than D. still more
  此题关键在于了解much less的含义,答案选A,他不习惯和陌生人说话,更不用说对着这么一大群人了。
  1. He knows little of mathematics,and of chemistry.
  A. even more B. still less
  C. no less D. still more
  2. I’m glad to say that he’s already finished 50% of the book in these three days.
  A.no less than B.no more than
  C.no more than D. much less than
  3. It’s unwise of you to consider the wound as a small cut. Look! It has caused infection.
  A. no less than B. less than
  C. more than D. no more than
  4. She cannot buy daily necessities, luxuries.
  A.no less than B. many more
  C. much less D. less than
  5. I dislike eating popcorn. There is nothing .
  A. better B. worse C. best D. worst
  6. Fat can’t change into muscle muscle changes into fat.
  A. any more than B.no more than
  C. no less than D. much more than
  7. There is no reason they should limit how much vitamin you take they can limit how much water you can drink.
  A. much more than B. no more than
  C. no less than D. any more than
  8. John is hardworking than his sister,but he failed in the exam.
  A. no less B. no more
  C. not less D. no so
  9. I don’t like the idea,so I am enthusiastic about the idea.
  A. no more than B. not more than
  C. less than D. more than
  10. The small town is a small town. It is a place where many tourists like to stay.
  A. no more than B. more than
  C. no less than D. no less than
  11. 21st Century School Edition is a newspaper. It helps us to improve our English a lot.
  A. no less than B. no more than
  C. more than D. less than
  12. What a wonder! They’ve finished 30% of the task within one week.
  A. no more than B. no less than
  C. not more than D. much less than
  13. In common with other young people,I like dogs. They mean a kind of pet to their masters.
  A. less than B. more than
  C. no more than D. not more than
  14. We are glad to hear the good news.
  A. no more than B. more than
  C. not more than D. less than
  15. Overpopulation poses a terrible threat to the human race. Yet it is probably a threat to the human race than environmental destruction.
  A. no more B. much more
  C. even more D. not more
一、经济生活  【线索概览】关于经济生活部分,可以抓住下面一条主线:以社会主义市场经济体制为前提,以市场调节与政府调控相结合为主线,以科学发展观为指导,以经济全球化为背景,以生产、分配、交换、消费四个环节为逻辑,涉及政府、企业、个人三大主体。  【核心建构】
如果,把最近来向我咨询的同学按照其问题的轻重来排一下队列的话,显然,这个阵容会很符合“20/80法则”。为什么这么说呢?即大概有20%的同学的心理问题都比较麻烦,需要他们利用80%的精力才能解决;而80%的同学的心理问题实际上都非常的轻微,只消他们用20%的精力应对就足够了。  在这个“20/80法则”的队列中,有一个问题却尤其的明显,这几乎发生在任何一个心理问题的背后,那就是睡眠问题。  “最近
这里超越现实、超越自我、超越任何艰难困阻;这里是你独立思考的空间,这里是你自由畅想的舞台;这里有我们的喜怒哀乐,有我们的痛苦悲伤,也有我们的快乐幸福;更重要的是——It’s private.  每次过年,能在正月初一吃到大汤圆是我最开心的事。口福是有了,但要自己动手做汤圆可不是一件简单的事。  先从面粉加工开始。通常,糯米要泡过几天才能磨,磨时还要同时添水添米。每当看到纯白的米浆随石磨的转动流到水
学习上,当我们向成绩好的同学“取经”时,他们告诉我们的经验大致可以分为两大类。第一类是在学习上并不怎么费力,也从未运用过题海战术,而且在体音美上也很优秀的“超人”;另一类是很刻苦,经历了题海战术的拼搏,从而收获高分的“题海一族”。  第一类的“超人”,天生就有学习天分,一般人难以学得来,所以,大多数人通常会选择第二类来模仿,于是题海战术便被奉为“葵花宝典”广为流传。虽说很多同学从中获益,可也有很多
编者按:高校专业归类和招生方式不断改变,稍不留神就会“选错专业入错行”,了解政策和不断变化的专业动态才能让我们见招拆招,轻松应对。如今大类招生逐渐在重点高校盛行,如果你还不知道什么是大类招生,那你可就OUT了!  专业各有特长,种类纷繁复杂,挑专业不可不掌握技巧。热专业,冷就业,原因何在?考生如何将自己的特长与专业特色对号入座?大家都盼给“我一双慧眼吧”,但资讯积累才是选择的依据。今天小编在这儿给
转眼,距高考也就近两个月了。我想,此时此刻,不同层次的学弟学妹们都会感受到大战即将到来的氛围。这两个月正是涨分的黄金时期,尤其是文科综合,我们还有机会在这两个月内大有作为。所以,抛开让你沮丧的模拟考成绩,心平气和地看看我的经验。就文科综合而言,我提炼了三个关键词组:基础框架、试卷和错题集、适量习题,希望对大家有帮助。  “胸有框架”是重中之重  记得我在距离高考83天时才意识到自己所学的知识不成系
到法国留学在旁人看来,总是美的。法国孕育了世界的梦想——因为她浪漫的文化、深沉的历史,也因为她众所周知的红酒、时装、菜式和糕点。从很久以前开始,我就怀揣着到法国留学的梦想,渴望亲身体验法国的浪漫与文化。如今,我终于踏上了到法国求学的旅程,开启了一段留法圆梦之旅。  公立与私立,免费与实用之争  法国大学分为公立和私立两种。公立大学除了300欧元左右的杂费,不用任何费用,但相对私立大学而言申请比较难
编者按:高考历史教材中政治史、经济史、文化史是三足鼎立,平分秋色。该系列通过名师筛选高考必考重点知识、重大历史事件和人物,帮助同学们在有限的备考时间里抓住关键,归纳总结易混易错重点知识,纵、横向对比相似历史事件,构建历史学科知识体系,提高复习效果,助力高考。    一定的文化是一定时期政治、经济在意识形态领域的反映。思想文化史的复习,既要能和那个时代的其他要素相联系,又要能走入前人的灵魂深处,去谛
历史,可以是王侯将相、英雄懦夫、忠臣奸佞、才子佳人,可以是那些事儿、那些八卦、那些风流轶闻,可以是在茶余饭后、在心情好或不好时聊以解闷的故事。  历史,可以是一列列的编年、一栏栏的官职、一片片的残简、一本本的线装古书,之乎者也,典章制度,记不准的年代,数不清的姓名。  历史,可以是深刻的追寻,广阔的瞭望,在前无古人后无来者的天地悠悠处的一声长叹,在阅尽沧海桑田兴兴亡亡后的一刻豁然。  总之,历史可
高三那年,妈说:你考上大学,是要请亲戚朋友来家里吃饭的。  不知道妈说这句话之前,已经在心里期许了多久。妈是爱学习的,因为“文革”的原因,妈放弃学业留在了农村,嫁给了爸。妈说:“种田很辛苦,你要好好读书,要争气,虽然我没留到城市,但我的孩子出息了,就代表了我。”  我的高中是在县一中读的,不过那时县一中把经费都用来盖教学楼了,经常拖欠老师工资,老师要生活,无奈之下只能忙着搞副业,上课玩“失踪”,教