身为军人,就要勇于攻碉堡、占高地。 进入21世纪,信息安全已被提到国家安全的重要地位上。作为信息安全专家,张永福教授时常牵挂于心的是信息安全理论和技术的研究工作。他常说,搞科研靠的是技术,但关键时刻拼的是精神,要学会“厚积而薄发”。
As a soldier, we must bravely attack bunkers, accounting for high ground. In the 21st century, information security has been mentioned in the important position of national security. As an information security expert, Professor Zhang Yongfu is often concerned about information security theory and technology research. He often said that to rely on science and technology is technology, but the key moment is to fight the spirit, to learn “thick and thin hair.”