以异丙醇(I)为溶剂、六次甲基四胺(H)为催化剂,配制间苯二酚(R)-糠醛(F)的醇溶胶,经浸渍纤维预制件、凝胶老化、超临界干燥和炭化制得碳纤维增强炭气凝胶隔热复合材料。研究了溶胶配比对碳纤维增强炭气凝胶隔热复合材料密度、微观结构和力学性能的影响规律。结果表明:随着异丙醇与间苯二酚物质的量之比增大,碳纤维增强炭气凝胶隔热复合材料的密度逐渐降低,基体炭气凝胶内及与碳纤维形成的界面内孔径增大,大孔数量增多,碳纤维增强炭气凝胶隔热复合材料的强度降低。当异丙醇与间苯二酚物质的量之比由18增加到28时,压缩强度由2.498MPa(应变10%)降至0.716MPa(应变10%),拉伸强度由2.019MPa降至1.001MPa,弯曲强度由3.984 MPa降至1.818 MPa。随着六次甲基四胺与间苯二酚物质的量之比增大,碳纤维增强炭气凝胶隔热复合材料的密度先增大后减小,基体炭气凝胶内及与碳纤维形成的界面内孔径先减小后增大,大孔数量先减少后增加,碳纤维增强炭气凝胶隔热复合材料的强度先增大后减小。当六次甲基四胺与间苯二酚物质的量之比为0.008 5时,碳纤维增强炭气凝胶隔热复合材料的密度最大,强度最大,其压缩强度为1.066MPa(应变10%),拉伸强度为1.256 MPa,弯曲强度为3.556 MPa。
The alcohol sol of resorcinol (R) -furfural (F) was prepared with isopropanol (I) as solvent and hexamethylenetetramine (H) as catalyst. Critical drying and carbonization obtained carbon fiber reinforced carbon airgel insulation composite material. The effects of sol ratio on the density, microstructure and mechanical properties of carbon fiber reinforced carbon airgel thermal insulation composites were studied. The results show that with the increase of the ratio of isopropanol to resorcinol, the density of carbon fiber reinforced carbon airgel insulation composites decreases gradually. The internal pore diameter Increase, increase the number of macropores, carbon fiber reinforced carbon airgel insulation composite strength decreased. When the ratio of isopropanol to the content of resorcinol increased from 18 to 28, the compressive strength decreased from 2.498MPa (strain 10%) to 0.716MPa (strain 10%), and the tensile strength decreased from 2.019MPa to 1.001 MPa, flexural strength decreased from 3.984 MPa to 1.818 MPa. With the increase of the ratio of hexamethylenetetramine and resorcinol, the density of carbon fiber reinforced carbon airgel insulation composites first increases and then decreases, and the carbon airgel matrix and carbon fiber form The pore size decreases firstly and then increases, the number of macropores decreases first and then increases, the strength of carbon fiber reinforced carbon airgel insulation composites first increases and then decreases. When the ratio of hexamethylenetetramine to resorcinol is 0.008 5, the density of carbon fiber reinforced carbon airgel insulation composites is the highest and its strength is the highest. The compressive strength is 1.066MPa (strain 10%). , Tensile strength 1.256 MPa, flexural strength 3.556 MPa.