A Two-Step Authentication Framework in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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The lack of fixed infrastructure in ad hoc networks causes nodes to rely more heavily on peer nodes for communication.Nevertheless,establishing trust in such a distributed environment is very difficult, since it is not straightforward for a node to determine if its peer nodes can be trusted.An additional concern in such an environment is with whether a peer node is merely relaying a message or if it is the originator of the message.In this paper,we propose an authentication approach for protecting nodes in mobile ad hoc networks.The security requirements for protecting data link and network layers are identified and the design criteria for creating secure ad hoc networks using several authentication protocols are analyzed.Protocols based on zero knowledge and challenge response techniques are presented and their performance is evaluated through analysis and simulation. The lack of fixed infrastructure in ad hoc networks causes nodes to rely more of heavily on peer nodes for communication. Promising, such as a distributed environment is very difficult, since it is not straightforward for a node to determine if its peer nodes can be trusted. Another concern in such an environment is with whether a peer node is merely relaying a message or if it is the originator of the message. This paper, we propose an authentication approach for protecting nodes in mobile ad hoc networks. security requirements for protecting data link and network layers are identified and the design criteria for creating secure ad hoc networks using several authentication protocols are.Protocols based on zero knowledge and challenge response techniques are presented and their performance is evaluated through analysis and simulation.
摘 要:对于小学生们来说,在不同的年龄阶段和学习阶段都具有不同的特点。因此,小学语文教师也要在写作教学中,通过应用分段式训练的教学方法,提高小学生们的写作能力。针对不同阶段的学生们,设计合理的教学计划和策略,帮助学生们练习写作、掌握写作的方法和技巧,提高小学生写作水平。  关键词:分段式训练 小学语文 写作教学  DOI:10.12241/j.issn.1009-7252.2020.35.013 
摘 要:走进部编版小学语文识字教材,感受低年级识字教学的编排规律,有助于教师在识字教学中提升学生对汉字的学习兴趣,实现学生德智体美劳全面发展。无论是识字中的文字美,还是教学中的德育美,或是生活中的劳动教育,识字教学都是实现“五育并举”的重要载体,而教师采用有效策略则是实现五育并举的重要手段。  关键词:识字教学 五育并举  DOI:10.12241/j.issn.1009-7252.2020.34
摘 要:初中历史教材中出现了大量的插图,包括地图、表格、人物画像、想象图、关系图等。这些插图对于激发学生兴趣,提高学生理解历史的能力有着积极作用。教材内的每幅插图,都是经过编者深思熟虑、多方学者研讨商议后方才使用。因此,插图中包含了大量的历史信息和相关细节,比如说时代背景、经济情况等,真实地反映了当时的历史情况。在实际教学中,教师需要充分利用插图,改变学生强记历史知识点的习惯,帮助学生克服知识记忆
摘 要:语文阅读是初中阶段语文教学工作的组成部分,提升学生的语文阅读能力更是广大语文教师工作重点与重要目标所在。对于初中阶段的学生而言,他们大多已经具备了一定的理解能力与阅读能力,但是在传统的语文教学模式下,部分教师往往过于注重知识点的记忆而忽略了学生阅读思维与阅读能力的培养,从而导致语文教学效果不甚理想。因此,在初中语文教学中,教师需积极地转变自身滞后的教学观念,提升对阅读教学的重视程度,通过营
摘 要:语文科目作为小学基础学习内容,主要的作用是提升学生的创新思维,加强学生对文章的理解能力。其中的写作板块可加强学生的情感表达,引领学生掌握写作方法。因而,教师需根据新课程的教学理念,探究保持写作课堂有效性的策略,结合自己的教学经验与学生的写作水平,给予学生思考空间,进而不断促进学生的写作效果,提升学生的写作情感。  关键词:小学语文 写作教学 教学策略  DOI:10.12241/j.iss
摘 要:在新课改的推进之下,针对小学语文写作教学而言,需要进一步采取先进的教学模式和方法,以此促进实际的教学效率和质量能够得到显著提升,为学生写作水平的切实提升而提供必要的条件。其中,在实际的写作教学过程中越来越广泛的应用先导式的教学方法,以此使学生得到更有效的指引,在写作效果方面有显著改善。基于此,本文重点分析在小学语文写作教学过程中先导式方法的具体应用情况。  关键词:作文先导式 小学语文 写