Belfast Waterfront

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  Firmly established as one of the world’s leading conference centres, the architecturally stunning multipurpose design of Belfast Waterfront is suitable for a variety of business, conference, arts and entertainment events.
  The facilities include:
  Main Auditorium (for 380 to 2,223 people)
  Studio (for 100 to 380 people)
  14 meeting rooms
  restaurant and bars
  exhibition facilities
  adjacent car parking facilities adjacent hotel.
  Perfectly placed in the heart of Belfast city centre, the center is accessible to all main transport networks and is close to many of the city’s attractions. IMEKO World Conference 2018 Belfast Waterfront Conference Centre won a bid to host the IMEKO (International Measurement Confederation) World Congress in 2018.?
  The 2018 congress will see 1000 scientists and engineers from 50 countries at Belfast Waterfront over five days. It will deliver about £1.9m to the local economy.?
  Belfast Waterfront in partnership with Visit Belfast, fought off fierce competition from other well-known conference cities including Glasgow and Brighton as well as international bids from Braunschweig in Germany and Budapest in Hungary.?
  This will be the first time in 40 years that the event has been hosted by a UK city.
  The building opened to the public on 17 January 1997 after 15 years of planning and consultation and three years of building work. It was officially opened in May 1997 by His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales.
  Over the past 12 years, Belfast Waterfront has:
  staged more than 3,800 performances,
  hosted more than 2,400 conferences and meetings, sold more than 3.5 million tickets, welcomed more than 5.5 million visitors,
  contributed £575 million to the local economy,
  generated £10 to the local economy for every £1 spent on operational costs,
  attracted more than 100,000 overseas conference delegates,
  been voted number 1 in The Times ’Top Things To Do This Festive Season’ for our 2006 Christmas pantomime.
2015年3月2-4日,中东国际电力、照明及新能源展览会(MEE)将在阿联酋迪拜世贸中心举行。  MEE展会于1975年开始举办,每年一届,今年迎来40周年。展会由英国英富曼展览公司主办,是中东乃至世界上最具影响力的专业性展览盛会,被评为世界五大工业活动之一。随着中东地区国际贸易的稳步增长,该展吸引越来越多的相关专业人员及高层人士到场参观访问。近年来,有35%参观者来自阿联酋以外的国家,86%参观
Sydney Showground at Sydney Olympic Park area was planned and developed as part of the Sydney Olympic 2000 Master Plan, which included the creation of the Olympic venues and public spaces and parkland
From 4-15 March, in order to better understand the development of European exhibition industry and to communicate with world peers, China International Conference and Exhibition Magazine(CICE) hosted
悉尼展览中心由新南威尔士皇家农业协会运营。该展览中心是悉尼奥林匹克公园的一部分。在1998年建成,由新南威尔士政府主持建成,专门举办各类活动。悉尼展览中心是作为2000年悉尼奥林匹克运动会中施工计划的一部分,从1995年开始实施。  悉尼展览中心坐落在悉尼市中心,非常适于举办各类大型展览、宴会、节庆活动,周围连通各类公共交通设施,场馆内部也有充足的停车位,服务活动主办方与参会嘉宾。由于场馆本身也是
ISH – The World’s Leading Trade Fair for The Bathroom Experience, Building Services, Energy, Air Conditioning Technology and Renewable Energies – is the world’s biggest exhibition for the combination
北爱尔兰贝尔法斯特会议中心作为北爱尔兰知名的多功能会议中心,可举办各类商务会议、大型活动与娱乐盛会。会议中心大礼堂可容纳380至2,223名宾客,演艺厅可容纳100至380名宾客,共有14个会议室,并配有餐厅、酒吧、展览设施、停车场与附属酒店。会议中心坐落在贝尔法斯特市中心,可方便地到达交通系统与当地知名景点。  该会议中心经过十五年的规划与三年的建造,于1997年由威尔士王子亲自启动开业。迄今,
2月21-22日,2017年UFI可持续发展教育论坛于UFI亚洲研讨会的前两天在新加坡滨海湾金沙举行。在两天的会议中,来自全球的展览机构、行业协会、政府机构分享了对于会展活动可持续发展概念的理解,当前实施的可持续发展策略,并从“目的地”、“场馆”、“主办方”三大路径进行可持续发展案例分享。  可持续发展令各方受益  2月21日,本次论坛以新加坡国家环保局回收部总工程师Christopher Lee
俄罗斯作为金砖五国(巴西、中国、俄罗斯、印度、南非)之一,人均GDP处于中等偏上水平,消费市场庞大,购买能力强,对各个行业的出口企业而言都意味着广阔的商机。中俄两国是传统贸易伙伴,贸易联系深厚,但自去年9月以来,欧美国家对俄罗斯实行经济制裁,导致俄罗斯卢布大幅贬值,直接影响到俄罗斯的进口贸易。  对于广大中国展商而言,通过参加展览会开拓当地市场是首选方案之一。那么,在当前的经济形势下,参展意愿是否
据悉,英国展会主办方塔苏斯集团与美国克劳斯国际展览公司将共同主办墨西哥教育设备资源展(GESS Mexico),服务于当地新兴教育市场。塔苏斯集团旗下F&E展览公司是全球知名的迪拜教育设备资源展GESS的主办方。新推出的GESS Mexico 将借助迪拜展会的品牌影响力。通过参展,教育行业的制造业与服务供应商将有机会接洽有决策权的采购商。墨西哥展会与同期教育峰会将于2015年5月在墨西哥城世界贸易
Buy or do it yourself? Messe Frankfurt and NürnbergMesse see an international trend for buying trade fairs. But there are many things to consider.  The Frankfurters have already opened their wallets q