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改革开放以来,特别是近十几年来,我国博物馆事业取得了令人瞩目的成就,但仍然存在着很多问题:博物馆重要性认识不够、服务水平有待提高等。本文笔者结合自身工作经验,就新时期如何更好开展博物馆工作提几点建议,希望得到广大同仁的指教。一、务必践行科学发展观通过开展学习实践科学发展观活动,使班子成员树立科学的发展观、正确的政绩观,增强责任感和使命感,提高自身廉洁自律意识,形成良好的思想作风。一是坚持集体领导、分工负责的原则。在重大事项的决策上,注重调动班子成员的积极性和主观能动性,集思广益,科学决策,有力地推动了博物馆各项工作的顺利开展。二是落实党风廉政建设责任制。我们把党风廉政建设责任制的落实纳入重要工作日程,坚持从严治馆,依法行政,使馆领导班子的党风廉政建设得到进一步加强。 Since the reform and opening up, especially in the past decade or so, the cause of museums in our country has made remarkable achievements. However, there are still many problems: the lack of awareness of the importance of museums and the improvement of service standards. In this paper, the author combined his own work experience, on how to better carry out the work of the museum in the new period make some suggestions, hoping to get the advice of the majority of my colleagues. First, we must practice the scientific concept of development Through the study and practice of the scientific concept of development activities, so that members of the team to establish a scientific concept of development, the correct view of political achievements, enhance the sense of responsibility and mission to improve their sense of integrity and self-discipline, the formation of a good style of thinking. First, adhere to the principle of collective leadership, division of labor is responsible. In the major matters of decision-making, pay attention to mobilize the enthusiasm of the members of the team and the initiative, brainstorming, scientific decision-making, effectively promoted the museum’s work smoothly. The second is to implement the responsibility system for building a clean government. We have incorporated the fulfillment of the responsibility system for the building of party conduct and an honest and clean government in the important work schedule, insisted on strictly administering the building and administration according to law, and the party organization and leadership building in the leading bodies of the embassy has been further strengthened.
【摘 要】当前,农村初中物理课堂教学中普遍存在着这样一个问题,老师教得很辛苦,学生学得很痛苦,但学生的能力却没有得到应有的发展。在初中物理教学中,发现约占三分之二的学生普遍存在物理成绩上不去的现象。在历届统考中,学科间呈现出显著不平衡现象,物理学科成绩欠佳。  【关键词】初中物理 提高成绩 素质教育  中图分类号:G4 文献标识码:A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1672-0407.20
企业培训师的基本职能是开展培训活动,通过授课来传授知识经验,落实企业关于员工培训的任务和目标。在授课过程中,学员是学习的主体,培训师则是授课活动的设计、组织和表达者。一个经验丰富、授课技能高超的培训师,要扮演好“编”、“导”、“演”、“控”四种角色,全程掌控课堂进程,调动、调节课堂气氛,使授课在和谐、愉悦的气氛中进行,从而展现培训的魅力,为企业培训加分。  “编”——专业课程的设计  若把授课比喻