编辑部文章(古斯塔夫·鲁斯研究所免疫实验室D Fradelizi等著文):军团病是目前引起自身免疫现象的一种疾病。但我们应注意不要将结果错当作原因。我们了解,在心肌梗塞之后有时出现抗心肌自身抗体;人们不认为心肌坏死和自身免疫性损害相类似。把一些种类繁多的疾病如结缔组织病、溶血性贫血、幼年型糖尿病、甲状腺疾患、重症肌无力、慢性肝炎、老年自身免疫疾病和某些寄生虫(如南美洲克鲁斯锥虫病)感染引起的自身免疫性疾病,分类在同样的疾病范围中,可能是不合理的。然而,在
Editorial article (G Fragrance et al., Immune Laboratory, Gustav Ruth Institute): Legionnaires disease is a condition that causes autoimmunity. But we should be careful not to mistake the result as a cause. We understand that anti-myocardial autoantibodies sometimes appear after myocardial infarction; one does not think that myocardial necrosis is similar to autoimmune lesions. Infections of a wide range of diseases such as connective tissue disease, hemolytic anemia, juvenile diabetes, thyroid disorders, myasthenia gravis, chronic hepatitis, senile autoimmune diseases and certain parasites (eg, South African cruzi trypanosomiasis) Caused by autoimmune diseases, classification in the same range of diseases, may be unreasonable. However, at