IBM, universities target easy-to-use cellphones

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  Before reading activity:
  Read the passage and answer the following questions.
  1. Why has IBM started the easy-to-use cell-phone program?
  2. What troubles Chief Executive Albert Fellner?
  3. Why did the author listed some examples at the end of the passage?
  HELSINKI (Reuters) - IBM has started a two-year research program that aims to make cellphones easier to use for groups including the elderly and the illiterate.
  As growth in developed markets such as Europe, Japan and United States has stalled(停止), the wireless industry is looking especially toward the elderly who have so far thought they could do without a cellphone, or who can't use the one they have.
  IBM said on Wednesday software developed in the program, which also involves the National Institute of Design of India and Tokyo University, will be made available on an open source basis, and other materials developed will also be made publicly available for governments and businesses.
  Telecom industry watchers said the IBM program addressed a genuine(真实的) need.
  “As the population in Europe and North America ages, the need for specialized mobile devices will become acute,” said Ben Wood, research director at British consultancy(咨询) CCS Insight.
  “Phone makers will have to adapt if they want to appeal to a generation that has grown up with mobile devices, but can’t use them in the ways they used to,”he said.
  Major phone vendors(销售商) such as Nokia and Samsung Electronics have produced phones with big buttons and simple designs, but have shied away from marketing them specifically to the elderly.
  This has opened the market for smaller companies like family-owned Emporia and Sweden's Doro, whose recent study showed most over 65 year-olds in developed markets already own a cellphone.
  Austrian Emporia focused solely on phones for the elderly a few years ago after the retired mother of Chief Executive Albert Fellner regularly asked for help with using her phone.
  “She always drove me crazy with her mobile phone. Every two weeks I had to explain to her how to use it. I gave up. I said I will make you a phone you know how to use,” Fellner said.
  IBM Research Fellow Chieko Asakawa, in charge of the research programme, has a similar personal experience. She is blind and her first cellphone in 1990s was used mostly for voice communication as opposed to text or other uses.
  “There was no accessible phone. I just used it to dial and call,” she said.
  Post reading activities:
  Read the passage carefully and try to finish the following tasks.
  A)学习involves, available, adapt, accessible等单词,注意它们的用法。
  B)在文中找出下列短语,并能灵活运用。aim to(旨在), on a…basis(以……为基础), appeal to(要求;呼吁), grow up(长大,成年), shy away from(躲避), open the market for(为……打开市场), focus on(集中于), drive sb crazy(使某人发疯),give up(放弃), in charge of(负责), have a similar personal experience(有类似的个人经历), as opposed to(与……对比)
  C)下列单词target, address, age, market在文中用作动词,找出原句,体会它们的用法。
  Possible answers to the before reading questions:
  1. To meet the needs of the elderly and the illiterate.
  2. His mother’s unable to use the phone skillfully?
  3. To explain to the readers the necessity of the new cellphone.
理科班人杰地灵,素来是一片才人辈出的土地。其实,你们不知道,我们这里不但生产人才,还生产……    王子与公主    A君生日最小,是我们班上名副其实的小弟,且模样憨实,谈吐风趣,男生女生都爱和他开玩笑,老师也不例外。一次物理考试,他竟神奇地拿了满分,一枝独秀,喜不自胜。物理老师是个即将退休的老太,在班上将其狠狠地表扬了一番,并笑称其为“物理王子”。全班大笑不已。课后,物理老太走下讲台时,一不小心
一、选择题(以下小题只有一个正确答案,共20小题)  读我国某区域等高线地形图(虚线表示拟建的公路线),回答1~2题。  1.图中主要河流的流向为  A.从西南流向东北B.从东北流向西南  C.从北流向南D.从南流向北  2.若在甲、乙两城镇之间修建一条公路,有①线和②线两个方案,②线方案与①线方案相比,主要的有利条件是   A.线路较短,工程量小   B.坡度较平缓   C.不用修大型桥梁,少占
一、题型回顾与预测    近年高考“文学常识和名句名篇”命题始终遵循稳中求变的思想,在诗文补写式传统题型基础上略有创新,注重试题之间内容的统一,着重对学生记忆力的考查,兼顾情境的设置。考查内容以新课标要求背诵的名句名篇为主,部分地区涉及高中课内文学常识的考查,但分值较少。  (一)默写常见的名句名篇命题特点  选句内容有五种情况:  1.揭示人类社会及事物发展规律的富有哲理性的句子。  2.抒发爱
恒成立问题是高中数学常见的题型之一,由于它往往是函数、方程、不等式等知识的综合运用,并且还需要应用到数学中的转化与化归、数形结合等数学思想,因而成为高考的热点题型.本文就恒成立的四种题型,通过例题解析与点评的方式,进行了归类剖析,希望能对读者起到启发思维的作用.    【理论支点】给定一次型函数y=f(x)=kx+b,若y=f(x)在[m,n]内恒有f(x)>0,则根据函数的图象(线段)可得上述结
梦在雪下悄悄发芽,来年开成花海一片。——题记  花开,舞出的是盛世的繁华与迷离,美好而宏大;花谢,虽遗憾却绝不荒凉,而是繁华落尽后的淡定与从容,直抵人生真谛。  我喜欢从一个人的作品里,去触摸他人生的脉络。读岁月在他身上开出的繁花与花谢后的沉淀。张岱,对大多数青年而言是陌生的名字,于我,却是琴瑟合弦。年轻时的他,富贵至极,奢华地享受着人生的花开。他喜欢眼神波俏的丫环,喜欢烟花在幽兰的夜空绽放。喜欢
古往今来,有许多名家与书结下了不解之缘,传下来不少读书佳话。    夏侯湛焚书    两晋初年,中书侍郎夏侯湛曾撰写前朝史《魏书》。后来听说陈寿也在写同一部书,夏侯湛赶紧找来认真拜读,看后认为陈寿的比自己所写的“棋高一著”,于是就将自己撰写的《魏书》丢人火炉之中。这样的胸襟真值得敬佩。    司马光惜书    《资治通鉴》的主编司马光“惜书”如命,每次就读前都要反复揩洗桌面,吹走灰尘,然后铺上薄毯
平行结构指的是相同的语法结构,它要求有同等重要的思想、概念,并列的句子成分要用同类的语法形式来表达,要用并列连词连接。它可以使句子前后保持平衡和协调,从而增加语言的连贯性。     平行结构常常使用并列连词,如and, but, or, neither…nor, either…or, not only…but also, not…but等,我们在使用这些并列连词时要注意它们所连接的应该是名词和名词
2009年全国各地高考中的圆锥曲线试题,都出现了平面向量与解析几何知识交汇的综合题.向量本身既能体现“形”的直观特征,又具有“数”的良好运算性质,是数形结合的桥梁.利用向量的“工具性”结合解析几何中的几何性质设计试题,已逐渐成为高考命题的一个热点.本文通过对2009年全国各地高考试题的分析整理,把平面向量在解析几何中的应用进行归类总结,其主要应用体现在以下三个方面:  一、运用向量共线的充要条件解
When I was a young girl, my father’s leaving home devastated our finances, making us lead a hard life. My mother1 food from an uncle that worked at a seafood packing plant that2torn and shredded food