近年来随着性病患者的增多 ,宫颈癌患者也越来越多。国外报道 ,宫颈癌患者中 ,95 %合并有人类乳头状瘤病毒 (HPV)感染[1] 。表明HPV与宫颈癌有明显相关性。HPV感染后 ,其发病也与种族、个人性行为及宿主的遗传因素等有关。国内报道宫颈癌患者中合并HPV感染率为 3 7%~ 5 1 9% [
In recent years, with the increase of STD patients, cervical cancer patients are also more and more. Foreign reports, cervical cancer patients, 95% of patients with human papillomavirus (HPV) infection [1]. That HPV and cervical cancer have obvious relevance. After HPV infection, its incidence is also related to race, personal sexual behavior and host genetic factors. Domestic reports of cervical cancer patients with HPV infection rate of 37% to 51.9% [