将庞大的国有股,以“还富于民”的形式转移到居民个人的账户,无论对于经济的转型,还是建立和谐社会,都属攸关之举。 6月19日,财政部等四部门依据国务院的决定,联合发布了《境内证券市场转持部分国有股充实全国社会保障基金实施办法》,依据该办法,股权分置改革新老划断后,凡在境内证券市场首次公开发行股票并上市的含国有股的股份有限公司,除国务院另有规定外,均须按首次公开发行时实际发行股份数量的10%,将股份有限公司部分国有股转由全国社会保障基金理事会持有。
The transfer of a large number of state-owned shares to individuals’ accounts in the form of “returning wealth to the people” is of great significance to both economic transformation and the establishment of a harmonious society. On June 19, according to the decision of the State Council, the four departments including the Ministry of Finance jointly issued the Measures for the Implementation of the Transfer of Some State-owned Shares in the Domestic Securities Market to Fulfill the National Social Security Fund. According to this measure, after the split between the new and old shares, Unless otherwise stipulated by the State Council, 10% of the actual number of shares to be issued upon initial public offering shall be transferred to the state-owned stock-limited company whose shares are listed for initial public offering in the domestic securities market, and the state-owned shares of the joint stock limited company shall be transferred to the national social security Fund Board holds.