在庆祝“五一”国际劳动节大会上,在庄严的北京人民大会堂,一个身着浅灰色夹克衫、胸前佩戴着金光闪闪奖章的年轻人走上了前台,作为全国“五一”劳动奖章和“五一”劳动奖状获得者代表向全国职工发出倡议。他就是全国“五一”劳动奖章获得者、被誉为“新一代产业工人的榜样”的张玮。 张玮同志的主要精神可以概括为:敬业爱岗,刻苦钻研,竭诚奉献。敬业爱岗。张玮从焊接工人到管工班班长,在平凡的工作岗位上默默无闻、尽职尽责,一干就是
At the solemn Beijing Great Hall of the People, a young man in a light gray jacket and a golden medal on his chest came to the front to celebrate the 51 May International Labor Day as part of the nation’s Labor Day Medals and “May 1” labor certificate winners representatives to the country’s workers issued an initiative. He is Zhang Wei, winner of the “May 1” Labor Medal and a model for “a new generation of industrial workers.” The main spirit of Comrade Zhang Wei can be summed up as follows: dedicated love, assiduously dedication. Dedication to love post. Zhang Wei from welding workers to supervisors, unknown in the ordinary job, due diligence, a do is