Mt.Gang Rinpoche stands in Purang County,Ngari Prefecture of TAR,with altitude of 6638 meters.It is seen as the holy mountain and the center of the world by the believers of Hinduism,Tibetan Buddhism,Bon religion and the ancient Jain.Every year,Mt.Gang Rinpoche receives many pilgrims.The pilgrims at Mt.Gang Rinpoche are more than usual every 12 years in the horse year by Tibetan calendar.It
Mt.Gang Rinpoche stands in Purang County, Ngari Prefecture of TAR, with altitude of 6638 meters. It is as the holy mountain and the center of the world by the believers of Hinduism, Tibetan Buddhism, Bon religion and the ancient Jain. Every year, Mt.Gang Rinpoche on many pilgrims.The pilgrims at Mt.Gang Rinpoche are more than usual every 12 years in the horse year by Tibetan calendar.It