The Beauty of Music in English Writing

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  【Abstract】We all know that life is not lack of beauty, but a lack of eyes to find beauty. The same is true of English writing. The beauty of music in English writing has a strong cultural features and aesthetic values. This essay is trying to analysis the beauty of music in English writing in order to experience the charm of English.
  【Key words】English writing; beauty of music
  1. Introduction
  The music beauty of English writing can be seen everywhere, such as word, phrase, sentence. They work together to reach the ultimate goal of composition beauty. The flow of a sentence needs certain words. Polysyllabic words, alliteration, and consonance can be used to create sentence roll of the tongue. Onomatopoeia and short, staccato words can be used to break up the rhythm. A variety of sentences with different lengths and rhythms can achieve different effects. And the beauty of music is not only from regular rhythm but also rhyming in English writing.
  2. The rhythmic in English writing
  The language rhythm embodies sense rhythm. Discourse walks with measured steps when English make a regular linear motion. Firstly, the comparison between light and heavy syllable produces regular rhythm. There are many polysyllabic words and sentences in English. Some syllables should be pronounced with stress. Some should be pronounced with weak stress. Those stress syllables alternate with weak stress. Then, it forms rhythm because there is a quite spectacular contrast in our hearing. Hence, rhythm is the comparison between light and heavy syllable in English writing. There is iambus in English poetry. It is a metrical unit with unstressed-stressed syllables, including iambic trimester, iambic tetrameter, iambic pentameter, iambic hexameter and iambic heptameter.
  Besides, sentence with various lengths produces different rhythm. Short sentence causes movement. It’s powerful and fast-paced if short sentence in the end of paragraph and chapter. On the contrary, long sentence gives people a feeling of relief. It describes psychological characterization and detail of scenery because it is clear and vivid. But it seems fuzzy and rough if there are many short sentences. And too many long sentences are used, which will drag the essay. Finally, it can strengthen the effect of the beauty of music. The arrangement of the constituents in a sentence can also create different rhythm. For example, this city, New York—consider the people in it, the eight million of us. The above sentence can express a motion of confuse and surprising.   3. The beauty of rhyme in English writing
  Rhyme is that the pronunciation of two or more words is the same or similar. There are alliteration, assonance and end rhyme in English writing. Alliteration is peculiar to English. It is a stylistic literary device identified by the repeated sound of the first consonant in a series of multiple words, or the repetition of the same sounds of the same kinds of sounds at the beginning of words or in stressed syllables of a phrase. For example, “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers”. The author use alliteration to call attention to certain words or create a pleasant, rhythmic effect.
  Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds to create internal rhyming within phrases or sentences, and together with alliteration and consonance serves as one of the building blocks of verse. Assonance does not have to be a rhyme; the identity of which depends merely on sequence of both vowel and consonant sounds. Thus, assonance is a resemblance of units that are generally less than a syllable. English poetry is rich with example of assonance: That solitude which suits abstruser musings—Samuel Taylor Coleridge,“Frost at Midnight”
  End rhyme is a repetition of similar or same sounds in two or more words, most often in the final syllables of lines in poems and songs. The word rhyme is also a pars pro toto that means a short poem, such as a rhyming couplet or other brief rhyming poem such as nursery rhymes. Rhyme partly seems to be enjoyed simply as a repeating pattern that is pleasant to hear. It also serves as a powerful mnemonic device, facilitating memorization. The regular use of tail rhyme helps to mark off the ends of lines, thus clarifying the metrical structure for the listener. Rhyme can strengthen the article’s artistic taste, expressive and contagious.
  4. Conclusion
  The function of words, sentences, and paragraphs contribute to the beauty of music in English writing. English has unique art charm in the expression form and content of language. How a writer choose words, structures and sentences to achieve the beauty of music is very important. Good writers use adjectives sparingly and adverbs rarely, letting their nouns and verbs do the work. To experience the beauty of music in English writing is good for the further study and application of it.
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【摘要】在高中英语学习中,写作不仅是重点,而且也是难点。在高考英语中,写作是许多学生感到困难和失分较多的部分。为有效提高学生英语写作水平和成绩,本文围绕“加强基础训练,激发兴趣,重视报刊阅读,重视作文批改……”等几个个方面,介绍了提高高中英语写作水平和成绩的一些方法与策略。  【关键词】基础训练 阅读 重视 实践  英语写作考察的是学生的英语综合运用能力,在日常教学中进行高效的作文指导对于高考至关
【摘要】育一切人,育好一切人应该是我们育人的宗旨。而英语是一门语言学科,具有很强的思想性,在英语教学过程中注重培养学生的思想品德,无凝对完成教学任务、提高教学质量和育健康人起到无法估量作用。  【关键词】英语教学 思想教育 中学英语  思想品德教育是素质教育的关键,是完成教学任务的保证,是提高教学质量的基础,是学生健康成长的前提。育一切人,育好一切人应该是我们育人的宗旨。如果人的思想道德素质不高,
【摘要】课堂笔记不能只是忠实地记录教师分析问题和解决问题的方法,简单地抄写一遍,而应学会加以整理,使它变为自己的知识。教师在教学实践过程要指导学生掌握良好的英语学习策略,提升其英语学习效率和培养自主学习能力。良好的记笔记习惯就是自主学习能力的一种。为了更好地提高教学质量,培养学生良好的记笔记习惯显得十分重要。  【关键词】小学英语 课堂教学 学记笔记 养成习惯  我一直在思考这样一个问题,小学生怎