A.科举考试概述 科举考试是我国古代封建社会相当长时期选士与考察官吏的最基本方法。科举即分科选拔人才,最早始于隋炀帝大业二年。作为对魏晋以来形成的门阀制度及九品中正制的彻底否定,它结束了清淡玄学之风,冲破出身、地位、名望等束缚,不拘一格选拔和任用人才,其进步意义是显而易见的。科举考试制度在唐代得到巩固,宋代光大发扬,元代形同虚设,明清则发展到了登峰造极的地步。
A. Overview of the Imperial Examination The Imperial Examination is the most basic method for selecting scholars and visiting bureaucrats for a long period of time in the ancient feudal society of China. The imperial examination is the selection of talents in the sub-divisions, which first began in the second year of the Sui Dynasty. As a complete negation of the system of gates and the establishment of the nine-centered system since the Wei and Jin Dynasties, it ended the vibrancy of metaphysics, broke through the shackles of origin, status, fame, etc., and chose and appoint talents in an arbitrary manner. Its progressive significance is obvious. The imperial examination system was consolidated in the Tang Dynasty, and the Song dynasty was promoted. The Yuan dynasty was inexplicably established. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, it developed to the point where it reached its peak.