【世界核新闻网站2016年6月28日报道】2016年6月28日,法国电力公司(EDF)董事会主席兼首席执行官让-伯纳德·利维和日本三菱重工(MHI)总裁兼首席执行官宫永俊一签署民用核能合作备忘录。备忘录内容涉及三菱重工人股阿海珐NP(Areva NP)以及双方合作开发Atmea压水堆设计。两家公司在一份联合声明中表示,备忘录的签署是加强法日核电工业问联系的战
June 28, 2016 - On June 28, 2016, Jean-Bernard Levy, chairman and chief executive officer of EDF, and president and chief executive officer of Japan’s Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) Official Palace Yongjun signed a memorandum of cooperation on civilian nuclear energy. The memorandum covers Areva NP, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries’ unit, and the joint development of Atmea PWR designs. In a joint statement, the two companies said the signing of the memorandum is a battle to strengthen the connection between France and Japan’s nuclear power industry