科学研究有些是不讲经济效益的。但是,技术研究就一定要讲经济效益。这个经济效益,不但指公司要使经济效益最大化,而且要考虑国家能得到的经济效益。这就离不开经济学分析我们的许多科研项目,只出论文,不出带经济效益的成果,使人觉得白花了老百姓的银子,不能说完全没有道理。有些研究,要是走不同的技术路线,经济效益可能更好。所以,需要以经济学观点审视技术研究,给它算经济账。《美国计算机协会通讯》2013年2月发表了一篇文章《微处理器设计的价值(The Value of Microprocessor
Some scientific research is not economical. However, technical research must be about economic benefits. This economic benefit not only means that the company should maximize its economic benefits, but also consider the economic benefits it can get. This can not be separated from many of our scientific research projects in economics. Only theses and the results of economic benefits can not be completely justified. Some studies may have better economic benefits if they follow different technical routes. Therefore, we need to examine the technical research from an economic point of view and give it an economic account. In February 2013, the American Computer Society Newsletter published an article entitled "The Value of Microprocessor