Topology Adaptation for Robust Ad Hoc Cyberphysical Networks under Puncture-Style Attacks

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Many cyber physical networks will involve ad hoc deployments utilizing peer-to-peer communications.Examples include transportation systems where a group of moving cars communicate in order to avoid collisions,teams of robotic agents that work together in support of disaster recovery, and sensor networks deployed for health-care monitoring, monitoring the operation of a factory plant or to coordinate and actuate mechanisms for energy conservation in a building. These networks may face a variety of threats that puncture their connectivity and, should their performance degrade, the result could be catastrophic. Consider, for example, a vehicular ad hoc network where communication assists collision avoidance. In such a case, degradation could lead to vehicle accidents. Therefore, in order to overcome network performance degradations and the puncture of a network(such as blackhole or jamming) which is under attack, we propose an algorithm called the Fiedler Value Power Adjustment Topology Adaption(FVPATA). FVPATA aims to dynamically adapt an ad hoc network’s topology, even if the attacker varies its location and in the case of an interference-style attack by increasing the interference power. The algorithm utilizes the formulation from the graph theory which works with the Fiedler value to guide each node in wireless ad hoc network utilizing power adjustments to enhance the network’s overall robustness. The advantage of the proposed mechanism is that it is a light-weight approach which is totally distributed, based on topology updates inherent in the Optimized Link State Routing(OLSR) protocol and, hence, it is unnecessary to introduce additional messages. Additionally, an algorithm was developed to resolve problems involving asymmetric links that arise in ad hoc networks by eliminating unnecessary energy consumption of Fiedler nodes. Simulation results using NS3 show that the proposed mechanism successfully decreases the average amount of hops used by 50% and the delay of flows when nodes are migrating at a modest rate below 60 m/min. Many cyber physical networks will involve ad hoc deployments utilizing peer-to-peer communications. Examples include transportation systems where a group of moving cars communicate in order to avoid collisions, teams of robotic agents that work together in support of disaster recovery, and sensor networks monitoring for operation of a factory plant or to coordinate and actuate mechanisms for energy conservation in a building. These networks may face a variety of threats that puncture their connectivity and, should their performance degrade, the result could be In such a case, degradation can lead to vehicle accidents. 的 中文 解释, in order to overcome network performance degradation and the puncture of a network (such as blackhole or jamming) which is under attack, we propose an algorithm called the Fiedler Value Power Adjustment Topology A dVPtion aims to dynamically adapt an ad hoc network’s topology, even if the attacker varies its location and in the case of an interference-style attack by increasing the interference power. The algorithm utilizes the formulation from the graph theory which works with the Fiedler value to guide each node in wireless ad hoc network utilizing power adjustments to enhance the network’s overall robustness. The advantage of the proposed mechanism is that it is a light-weight approach which is totally distributed, based on topology updates inherent in the Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) protocol and, hence, it is unnecessary to introduce additional messages. Yet, it is unnecessary to introduce additional messages. Additionally, an algorithm was developed to resolve problems involving asymmetric links that arise in ad hoc networks by eliminating unnecessary energy consumption of Fiedler nodes. NS3 show that the proposed mechanism successfully decreases the average amount of hops used by 50% and the delayof flows when nodes are migrating at a modest rate below 60 m / min.
摘 要:实施针对性分层指导教学的目的是提高学生的写作兴趣,提升学生写作能力。因而,本文首先对针对性分层指导意义进行了简要分析,然后探讨了开展针对性分层指导的举措。  关键词:小学语文;写作教学;针对性;分层指导  一、 引言  大多数人都知道,语文教学里面的难点和核心就是语文写作。小学语文写作不仅是教师教学中比较难的部分,同时也是小学生学习中比较头痛的部分。可是素质教育要求教师培养小学生写作能力,
摘 要:小学语文教学的根本目的就是让学生掌握听、说、读、写等基本能力,准确使用汉语言文字,并运用到实际生活中去,而这些都离不开思考,只有勤于思考,才能在困顿中独辟蹊径。五者紧密结合,密不可分。要提高学生语言文字运用的基本能力,可以从学会倾听、善于表达、注重朗读、指导习作、发展思维等五个方面入手。  关键词:语用;听说读写思;提高能力;策略  新课程改革背景下,提高学生语言文字运用的基本能力必是语文
昆虫几丁质酶(chitinase,CHT)主要参与蜕皮、围食膜的降解、细胞增殖和机体免疫防御等重要生理生长发育过程.本研究从NCBI下载棉铃虫(Helicoverpa armigera)及其他昆虫的几丁
摘 要:在信息化时代背景下,随着教育改革的深入推进,微课这一新型教学手段逐渐地被广泛应用到了教学之中。微课通过发挥其短小精悍、主题突出、灵活便捷的优势,为教学活动的开展注入了新的活力。但是微课在实际应用中还存在着一些不合理的问题,影响最终的教学效果。所以小学语文教师要对此深入分析,优化制作微课课件,可以利用微课创设教学情境,激发学生学习兴趣,从而让微课真正成为推动教学活动开展的有效动力支持。  关
摘 要:《义务教育语文课程标准(2011版)》指出九年义务教育的学生课外阅读总量应达到405万字,这就要求阅读教学时要适时加大课堂阅读容量,教给学生有效的阅读方法,提高阅读效率,提倡群文阅读,努力构建高效群文课堂。运用球形阅读法可以提高学生群文阅读的速度,调动学生群文阅读的积极性,发挥学生自主阅读、自主探究的能动性,从而构建高效的群文课堂,全面提高学生的阅读素养。  关键词:球形阅读法;群文阅读;