
来源 :东欧中亚研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:novi005
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乌克兰自独立以来,政局一直不很稳定。1998年,在议会换届选举中,乌克兰共产党取得重大胜利,其作为议会第一大反对党的影响力日增,使乌政局进一步潜伏着新的动荡风波。乌经济危机严重,经济形势好转速度又落后于其他独联体国家,社会各阶层对执政当局的不满和失望与日俱增。执政当局治国不力,总统和政府威信下降,这使乌政坛易于风云迭起,政局难以稳定 Since the independence of Ukraine, the political situation has not been very stable. In 1998, in the general election of parliaments, the Ukrainian Communist Party won a major victory and its growing influence as the largest opposition party in Parliament has further lurked the new political turmoil. The economic crisis in Ukraine is serious. The improvement of the economic situation has lagged behind that of other Commonwealth countries. The dissatisfaction and disappointment of all strata of society with the ruling authorities have been increasing. The ruling authority has failed to govern the country, and the prestige of the president and the government has been declining, which makes the politics of the politically unstable and politically unstable.
June is a great time of year for walking Turkey’s Turquoise Coast and gazing at the Milky Way in the Namib Desert.  Turkey’s Turquoise Coast heats up in June, but the sun hasn’t quite hit full strengt
Lily和爸爸妈妈一起去动物园玩。有两种动物给她留下了深刻印象。是谁呢?请你猜一猜。1I have sharp teeth in my big mouth,And I have short legs,But my tail is very lon
Based on field work, organic geochemical analyses and experimental testing, a six-property assessment method for shale gas is proposed. These six properties inc
【关键词】高中英语;课堂教学;艺术性;特征;策略  1 高中英语课堂教学艺术性特征  从古至今,教育艺术一直被人高唱,依据艺术所具有的美学性及其可观赏性运用于现实教育活动中来,使得学生对知识具有一定的领略。使得教育与多种多样的模式对其核心思想表现出来,将其特点展现,它常常有着生动、富有情感等的特点。  1.1 艺术教育须持有形象性  作为艺术的首要特征,形象性表现出的不仅仅是在艺术范围上。纵观艺术
Land suitability assessment(LSA) is one of the key processes of land-use planning. Given its particularity of land suitability assessment for post-earthquake re