近年来,国内外利用生物技术防治作物病虫害呈上升趋势。生物防治既保护环境,维护生态平衡,又可促进农业的可持续发展。木霉是一种有益微生物,它以独特的生存能力和对纤维素的分解力,而广泛存在于土壤中。如何更好地利用它是值得研究的课题。本文介绍了利用作者分离选育的木霉菌株T_(1010)(Trichoderma spp.)制剂防治辣椒根腐病的效果。材料和方法一、供试材料供试辣椒为寿光市农民保护地蔬菜;木霉菌株T_(1010)制剂为本所研制,淄博智能农业高新技术厂生产(孢子量为10~9cfu/g),对照农药为50%多菌灵可湿性粉剂(威海农药厂
In recent years, the use of biotechnology at home and abroad to control crop pests and diseases is on the rise. Biological control not only protects the environment, maintains the ecological balance, but also promotes the sustainable development of agriculture. Trichoderma is a beneficial microorganism that is found extensively in soil due to its unique viability and its ability to decompose cellulose. How to make better use of it is worth studying. This article describes the use of the author isolated and isolated Trichoderma strain T_ (1010) (Trichoderma spp.) Preparation of pepper root rot control effect. MATERIALS AND METHODS A. Test material The test pepper was Shouguang peasants’ vegetable. Trichoderma strain T_ (1010) was developed by our institute and was produced by Zibo Intelligent Agricultural High-tech Factory (spores: 10-9cfu / g) Control of pesticides for 50% carbendazim WP (Weihai Pesticide Factory