Production and mechanical properties of aligned multi-walled carbon nanotubes-M140 composites

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dragonlumeng
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This study investigated the production of M140, aligned multi-walled carbon nanotubes (A-MWNTs) reinforced M140 composites (A-MWNTs-M140) and their mechanical properties including their compressive and bending properties as well as their microstructure characteristic of bend fracture surface. M140 was first produced by speed change mixing technics with commercial materials, water-bath curing at normal temperature. In addition, two different A-MWNTs dispersions including carbonyl disper- sions of A-MWNTs (C-A-MWNTs) and aqueous dispersions of A-MWNTs (A-A-MWNTs) with the addition of 0.01wt% A-MWNTs were utilized to obtain enhanced mechanical properties with respect to plain M140. The results indicated that the use of A-MWNTs dispersions allows increasing compressive strength and flexural strength by 8.4% and 5.4%, respectively for the C-A-MWNTs-M140, and by 15.9% and 20.7% for the A-A-MWNTs-M140, respectively. The SEM and EPMA examinations of fracture surface also showed that the bond interface between the nanotubes and matrix is moderate and the main reinforcing mechanisms are microfilling effect, CNTs pull-out and debond. The aqueous dispersion of A-MWNTs is an appropriate method and is more compatible with the M140. This study investigated the production of M140, aligned multi-walled carbon nanotubes (A-MWNTs) reinforced M140 composites (A-MWNTs-M140) and their mechanical properties including their compressive and bending properties as well as their microstructure characteristic of bend fracture surfaces. M140 was first produced by speed change mixing technics with commercial materials, water-bath curing at normal temperature. In addition, two different A-MWNTs dispersions including carbonyl disulfides of A- MWNTs (CA-MWNTs) and aqueous dispersions of A- MWNTs (AA-MWNTs) with utilized additions of 0.01 wt% A-MWNTs were utilized to obtain enhanced mechanical properties with respect to plain M140. The results indicated that the use of A-MWNTs dispersions allowed increasing compressive strength and flexural strength by 8.4% and 5.4% respectively for the CA-MWNTs-M140, and by 15.9% and 20.7% for the AA-MWNTs-M140, respectively. The SEM and EPMA examinations of the fracture surface also showed that the bond i nterface between the nanotubes and matrix is ​​moderate and the main reinforcing mechanisms are microfilling effects, CNTs pull-out and debond. The aqueous dispersion of A-MWNTs is an appropriate method and is more compatible with the M140.
据新华社报道 美国佛罗里达大学戴维·霍代尔等科学家的考察结果显示,中美洲地区气候变化导致的严重干旱可能是古老玛雅文化灭绝的元凶 According to Xinhua News Agency
摘 要:本文就高中体育教学现状和体育教学开放含义、理论依据、实施途径、价值取向进行阐述,意在抛砖引玉。  关键词:开放式;途径;价值取向  中图分类号:G427 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2012)20-031-1  改革体育课传统的教学模式是体育教学面临的一项首要任务。在此,笔者就高中开放式的体育教学略谈之。  一、管窥高中体育教学的现状  1.传统的体育课堂教学过分
苏北农村中学作文教学现状令人堪忧,有学生的原因,更多是教师的原因,本文就苏、北农村中学教学的现状与改进策略进行了探讨。 The status quo of composition teaching in r
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摘 要:初中体育教师在进行授课时,一定要搞清在培养学生其中一种能力时,对学生的其他能力培养是否有影响。本文就如何根据初中学生的特点来制定有效的方法做了探讨。  关键词:初中体育教学;不同能力;能力培养;方法  中图分类号:G427 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2012)20-050-1  要想初中学生在体育教学中培养不同的能力,让学生愉快地接受并参与到体育教学中来是关键。