This is a review article summarizing the anti-radiation reinforcement schemes for integrated circuits used in space environment. The article discusses systematically the reinforcement of various MOS, bipolar and GaAs integrated circuits against total dose irradiation and click event disturbances. The original Chinese translation of about 50,000 words, the full text of the attached picture 43, more than 70 references. In view of the limited length of this article, this article focuses on the compilation and device and circuit reinforcement technology directly related to the discussion, compressed to about three words. In order to facilitate readers to understand the issue, we are still in accordance with the original section of the order of the articles, and retain all the drawings and references. Limited to the compiler level, in the selection of materials and the understanding of the original if any inappropriate, please correct me. Finally, it must be pointed out that the reinforcement schemes introduced in this paper are aimed at the low radiation dose rate space environment, as for the neutron, γ dose rate nuclear explosion environment of the circuit reinforcement problem, not the scope of this article.