激光瞳孔成形术是眼前节激光手术的主要部分,尤其当Nd:YAG 激光的问世,这一类手术开展更广泛。本文报告一组激光瞳孔成形术,主要包括下列五方面:①激光散瞳术;②虹膜括约肌切开术;③瞳孔膜切开术;④瞳孔再造术;⑤瞳孔后粘连分离术。以下分别讨论。
Laser pupiloplasty is an important part of anterior segment laser surgery, especially when the Nd: YAG laser is introduced. This paper reports a group of laser pupilloplasty, including the following five aspects: ① laser mydriasis; ② iris sphincterotomy; ③ pupil membrane incision; ④ pupil reconstruction; ⑤ pupil adhesions separation. The following discussion.