1998年至2002年2月广东国际旅行卫生保健中心检出患梅毒的各类旅行人员253例(250例为潜伏梅毒)。其中男性平均年龄50.5岁(其中2人仅17岁),女性平均年龄45.5岁;男性与女性比例为1.2:1;中学以下文化程度占90%以上。253例患者的 TPPA 检查均为阳性,其中有4例 TRUST 试验阴性者。是因其配偶患梅毒,而进一步检查 TPPA 发现的。揭示 TPPA 是一种敏感、特异确认梅毒的方法。配偶间传染者31例,其首先感染方的 TPPA 的滴度高于被感染方的占83.9%。提示在夫妻之间传染者,TPPA 或可做为追溯传染途径的指标之一。本组中有239例患者接受了一个疗程的苄星青霉素治疗。其中3例有梅毒症状者,治疗2周内症状消失;有9例在治疗过程中曾出现一过性的低热。8例青霉素过敏者,接受了其它抗生素治疗。大多数病例治疗结束一周后复查 TPPA 及 RPR 或 TRUST 无明显的改变。对于公众而言,患潜伏梅毒的旅行者有更大的潜在危险性。因此加强旅行者的体检及血清学筛查,对可疑病例进一步追查,及早诊断。规范治疗是控制旅行人员梅毒传播的重要和有效的措施。
From 1998 to February 2002, Guangdong International Travel Health Care Center detected 253 cases of various kinds of travelers suffering from syphilis (250 cases of latent syphilis). Among them, the average age of men is 50.5 years (of which 2 are only 17 years old). The average age of women is 45.5 years old. The ratio of male to female is 1.2: 1. The educational level of middle school and below is more than 90%. All 253 patients had positive TPPA, of which 4 were TRUST negative. Is due to their spouses suffering from syphilis, and further examination of the TPPA found. Reveal TPPA is a sensitive and specific method of identifying syphilis. Twenty-one cases of spouses were infected, the titers of TPPA on the first infected side were higher than 83.9% on the infected side. Prompt transmission of HIV among couples, TPPA or can be used as an indicator of retrograde transmission. In this group, 239 patients received a course of benzathine penicillin. Three of them had symptoms of syphilis and disappeared within two weeks of treatment; nine had transient transient fever during the course of treatment. Eight cases of penicillin allergy, who received other antibiotics. One week after the end of treatment in most cases, no significant changes were observed in TPPA and RPR or TRUST. Travelers with latent syphilis have a greater potential risk to the general public. Therefore, to strengthen the physical examination of travelers and serological screening, to further trace the suspicious cases, early diagnosis. Standardized treatment is an important and effective measure to control the transmission of syphilis among travelers.