一、官方和民间的评价 郑成功是我国最早一位反对西方殖民主义者的民族英雄。他的业绩集中反映在他的一首诗里:“开辟荆榛逐荷夷,十年始克复先基;田横尚有三千客,茹苦间关不忍离。”正因为如此,他成为我国最早反对西方殖民主义者的英雄和开发台湾的先驱,而他收复台湾和开发台湾,为我国台湾的发展奠定了始基,是对中华民族的历史性贡献,可以彪炳千秋。不幸的是,郑成功惨淡经营台湾,正处于明清
I. Official and Non-governmental Evaluation Zheng Chenggong was one of the earliest national heroes in China opposed to Western colonialists. His performance is concentrated in one of his poems: “Opening up the Jing and Han dynasties and beginning ten years ago; Thousands of people in Tian Heng still have no choice but to spare.” Because of this, he became one of China’s The earliest opposition to the heroism of the Western colonialists and the pioneer of Taiwan’s development, and his recovery of Taiwan and the development of Taiwan, for the development of our country in Taiwan has laid a foundation, is a historic contribution to the Chinese nation, can be future generations. Unfortunately, Zheng Chenggong disillusioned with Taiwan and is in the Ming and Qing dynasties