网络、基因和纳米技术是今年科技报道领域的三大热点。最近,一股“纳米热”以大潮汹涌之势席卷了媒体,纳米概念深入人心,股市上甚至出现了“纳米概念股”和“钠米板块”。众所周知,“网络热”源于互联网的迅猛发展,“基因热”则源于人类基因组工作草图绘制完成这一重大新闻事件,而“纳米热”又是缘何而起的呢? 选准报道突破口 我们正处在一个日新月异的高科技时代,科技的影响力无处不在。因此,科技报道引起了包括新华社在内的诸多新闻单位的
Networks, genes and nanotechnology are the three hot topics in this year’s science and technology report. Recently, a wave of “nano-heat” swept the media by tide of turbulence, the concept of nanotechnology enjoys popular support, and even appeared in the stock market, “nano-concept stocks,” and “sodium plate.” As we all know, the “Internet fever” stems from the rapid development of the Internet, “Gene fever” is derived from the draft of the human genome to complete this major news event, and the “nano heat” is why it? Is in a rapidly changing high-tech era, the influence of science and technology everywhere. As a result, scientific and technical reports have caused many news units, including Xinhua News Agency