入世对浙江省农业的影响有哪些沈农多数研究认为,入世对浙江省农业的不利影响主要集中在种植业方面。由于浙江农业发展水平在国内处于前列,种植业占农林牧渔业的产值比重已由1978年的74.4%下降到 1999年的42.9%,在全国来说不算高,因而,“入世”的负面影响要小于中西部地区,总体上比其他省份更有利,例如可以促进农业现代化发展,加快农业对外开放进程。这将使浙江能有更多的机会、更优惠的条件参与国际农业技术交流与合作,从国外引进先进技术和
What are the Impacts of Joining the WTO on Agriculture in Zhejiang Province Most studies suggest that the unfavorable impact of WTO accession on agriculture in Zhejiang Province mainly lies in the cultivation industry. Since the level of agricultural development in Zhejiang is at the forefront of the country, the share of the total output value of crop farming in agriculture, forestry, husbandry and fishery dropped from 74.4% in 1978 to 42.9% in 1999, which is not high throughout the country. Therefore, the negative impact of “WTO accession” The impact is less than that in the central and western regions, and generally more favorable than other provinces. For example, it can promote the development of agricultural modernization and accelerate the process of opening up to agriculture. This will enable Zhejiang to have more opportunities to participate in the international agricultural exchange and cooperation more favorably, introduce advanced technologies from abroad and