各位领导,各位嘉宾,各位朋友: 在这金秋的美好时刻,“海峡两岸河洛文化暨豫剧发展论坛”在北京隆重召开,我代表河南省文化厅向与会的各位领导、各位专家,向来自台湾的专家、艺术家表示热烈的欢迎! 向为此次研讨会付出艰辛劳动的所有人员表示衷心的感澍! 海峡两岸的豫剧文化交流始于 1991年,10多年来,从小型的单向交流,到大型的互访交流;从单纯的模仿学习,到共同策划合作项目,打造原创精品剧目,交流的次数不断增
Ladies and gentlemen, Ladies and gentlemen, At this beautiful golden moment, the forum for the development of Helu Culture and Henan Opera on both sides of the Taiwan Strait was held ceremoniously in Beijing. On behalf of the leaders of the Department of Culture of Henan Province, all the experts and experts from Taiwan Experts and artists warmly welcomed! Express my heartfelt thanks to all those who have worked hard for this seminar! Cultural exchange between Henan and Hong Kong on both sides of the Taiwan Strait began in 1991. From a small one-way exchange to more than 10 years ago, Exchange of large-scale visits; from simple imitation to co-planning cooperation projects to create original high-quality repertoire, the number of exchanges continue to increase