The micro movie “Youth of Malaya” was aired on various websites in 2015, arousing widespread concern. Shandong Qingzhou City, the patient gradually frozen Dong Ma Qingya’s wife Chen Qingchun three days a day and a half for her husband pressed the chest to continue her husband’s life gradually getting frostbite, and despite their tired worn-out, but still sticking to the teeth, the story is touching . Malaya and Chen Qingchun are college students, who live in West Shili Village, Yunshan Street, Qingzhou City, Shandong Province. One day in the early spring of 2009, Malaya, a 38-year-old, was given freeze-thaw disease. After a year of seeking medical advice, she eventually had no result. Malaya’s life was thoroughly compromised Freeze, leaving only weak breathing and awake consciousness. In order to delay the husband’s life, Chen