Exploring history and culture探索历史与文化之旅

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  A glimpse of the charming Han Chinese costume
  汉 服 一 瞥
  江苏 柴雨坤
  指导老师 彭向梅
  Held in Xuzhou, Han Chinese Costume Festival(汉服节), has once again presented the charming contemporary Han Chinese costume. The teachers and students of different age groups have taken part in this activity. Walking through the streets of ancient Pengcheng, namely today’s Xuzhou, they felt as if they had lived in the history for thousands of years.
  The activity lasted nearly two hours, which could be divided into two periods: the stage performance and the interactive game. First of all, the stage performance featured ancient elements, including a hand language show, a sitcom(情景喜剧), a solo, a song and dance act, a guzheng performance, a solo dance, a semichorus(小合唱) and so on. Besides, in the second stage, the interactive game was interspersed(穿插) in the intervals of the stage performance. The game was conducted in all kinds of forms to interact with the audience. What was worth mentioning was the last performance, Han Chinese costume show, showing us the styles of clothing in different dynasties, such as Han, Tang, Song and Ming.
  This festival has been a great impact on the spread of Han culture. With the development of society for thousands of years, the inheritance and development of traditional Chinese culture has been neglected. Therefore, it is urgent to promote the traditional culture including Han culture. Xuzhou, as the birthplace of Han culture, should undertake the responsibility of cultural export, for which this activity can make Han culture more influential.
  Not only Xuzhou but some other cities have also carried out such activities in order to spread the traditional culture. These activities combined ancient and modern elements, with apparent characteristics of the times. So we can believe that, in the future, Chinese culture will not be buried but develop into a new culture with time characteristics. At the same time, knowledge of Han culture will also gradually be deepened as Han culture is expected to go global.
  A lesson to sew sachets
  江苏 李洁怡
  指导老师 彭向梅
  Recently our school has launched a large number of community activities, one of which is sewing sachets(香包). Interested in it, I am very glad to have the chance to watch the whole process.
  When it comes to sachets in Jiawang, there is one figure that must be mentioned: President Xi Jinping. A few years ago, he came to visit Mazhuang Village in Jiawang and bought a sachet in person, making us realize the importance of the traditional craft. After that, the local government, schools and villages began to teach citizens how to sew sachets to pass on our local culture.   In the sachet making class, I looked at the teacher sewing sachets by herself and I couldn’t wait to try. When I wanted to start sewing sachets, I found a problem that I failed to use the needle and thread flexibly. I’ve tried many times but failed. When I wanted to give up, the teacher was like an angel to save me. But for the teacher’s help, I would not have learned to make the sachet.
  When we attended the sachet making class, we felt more than delighted with the teacher telling us many things about the sachet. As I know, the origins of the sachet can be traced back to the time of the Yellow Emperor. Later, the sachet is mostly used in the Dragon Boat Festival, whose significance is to pray for good luck, to ward off evil. But today, this craft is slowly disappearing. This old craft needs to keep up with time to stay alive. It’s time for us to re examine the sachet history, cultural connotation and artistic value.
  What a really meaningful activity! It teaches me how to do one thing patiently and tells me that our duty is to keep the traditional handicraft industry going.
  A trip to Pingyao Ancient City
  山西 王奕泽
  指导老师 秦海英
  I made a tour to Pingyao Ancient City together with my classmates this summer vacation.
  Going through so many events and incidents, Pingyao Ancient City survived practically with a history of over 2,000 years, and ranks as one of the intact(完整的) ancient cities well preserved in China. As one of the attractive scenic spots in Shanxi Province, Pingyao Ancient City enjoys great reputation at home and abroad. Meanwhile, its classical flavor and profound cultural sense left a deep impression on me.
  Hardly had we arrived at the Pingyao County seat when we headed for the ancient city. With the guide’s explanation, we learned that there are six ancient city gates in Pingyao Ancient City, two in the east, two in the west, and two gates in the north and south respectively, whose layout(布局) is like a turtle. Pingyao was the financial center of China in the late Qing Dynasty. The former site of “Rishengchang Piaohao(日升昌票號)” is one of the most valuable historical sites. The waxen images(蜡像) and the furnishings of the objects in the room restored the business scene of the Piaohao at that time, which gave us glimpses into its prosperity.
  In history, Shanxi merchants had ambitions to start their own businesses and treated others with honesty. As a consequence, Shanxi merchants became one of the richest commercial groups in China at that time and created unprecedented prosperity. Moreover, the city walls that were built with black bricks have stood against rains and storms for over 600 years and have been well preserved. There is no doubt that Pingyao people are proud of the city walls as they protected them from disasters in the fires of war. Now they have become a symbol of the old city.
  At dusk, we took the return train and left the ancient city of Pingyao. The ancient city is just like a book, many chapters lingering in my mind: city walls, streets, Piaohao, temples, etc. It is the Pingyao Ancient City that is heavy with the resplendent Shanxi merchants’ culture(晋商文化).
  From my point of view, we ought to learn the lessons of its prosperity and decline and develop the Shanxi merchants’ culture innovatively. Hoping that this outstanding commercial culture can still pass on and will restore its vitality in future.
【摘 要】  世界各地大多数政府都认同提高国民数字素养水平的必要性。虽然数字技能对于21世纪成功的生活、学习和工作而言越来越不可或缺,但是本文对数字素养的各种狭义界定提出质疑。本文比较和对照学界对数字技能、素养或本领的不同理解,并阐述为何本领域文献中有大量模型和框架经常缺乏清晰的理论基础,指出它们虽能吸引眼球却缺乏说服力,一味赶时髦。本文对欧洲、英国和美国的一些数字素养框架进行批判性述评,发现它们
根据最新的针对全美170多所机构的调查显示,对于能力本位教育(competency-based education, CBE)来说,最重要的是设计“可测量和有意义的评估 ”,而最具挑战的是这些项目需要自动运行和彼此兼容的数据系统。  这一结论源自比尔和梅林达·盖茨基金会(Bill
【摘 要】 以往衡量问题导向学习(Problem-based learning, PBL)的效果主要采用总结性评价,缺乏对学习者学习过程的关注与分析。但在非良构问题领域的PBL学习中,学习过程是呈现学习者专业思维能力发展的关键。如何通过分析PBL中的会话内容对专业思维能力进行建模,教师在这一发展过程中又充当何种角色,是PBL领域学者们关注的话题。本研究选择医学教育这一典型的非良构问题领域作为研究
【摘 要】    以学习者为中心的教学和泛在技术在课堂上的使用相结合,这种趋势给教师提供了支持学生掌握终身学习技能的独一无二机会。自我决定学习教育学(也称为“自我决定学习”)则为如何利用这些发展趋势提供了一个很有应用前景的框架,因为它是建立在非常强调学习者自主的公认教育理论基础上的。自我决定学习教育学的主要原则包括学习者能动性、自我效能感和才能、反思和元认知,以及非线性学习。这些原则是设计和发展
2013年10月16日至18日在天津举行的国际开放与远程教育理事会(ICDE)第25届世界大会,以“国际开放、灵活、远程学习的新战略”为主题。此次大会中的平行会议涉及七个方面主题,分别是:开放与远程学习(ODL)的文化,ODL的质量,ODL的教育技术,ODL的开放教育资源,ODL 学习支持服务,创造性的、开放的、灵活学习的监管环境与战略,辅助学习(残疾人教育)。  开放与远程学习的文化  技术的发
目前,在线学习是高等教育和企业培训中最热门而且发展最迅速的领域。斯隆-C将于2013年11月20日-22日在佛罗里达召开“第19届斯隆-C年会暨在线学习国际研讨会:一个充满机会的宇宙”,这是全球首个在线学习研究的国际聚会。  基于各种定义和多种模型,高等教育中的在线学习为教师、学生和各类机构提供了广泛的学习机会。此次研讨会将邀请三位主题发言人分享一些正在思考的重要话题。美国教育部副部长办公室的资深
【摘 要】 随着教育信息化进程的不断推进,能够统筹线上、线下学习优势的混合式学习受到越来越多的关注。为了准确把握当前我国混合式学习研究的状况以及所遇到的问题,文章使用内容分析法,对2003—2012年发表于国内期刊的学术论文进行量化统计,从论文数量、论文来源、研究群体、研究内容4方面进行了分析。通过分析发现:① 从论文数量来看,近十年混合式学习研究总体呈现明显的增长态势,应用实践方面的研究增长尤其
【摘 要】 目前,网络上充斥着海量的学习资源。虽然出现了检索平台,但资源的海量性,进入路径的曲折性和资源选择的盲目性,使学生很难迅速地找到适合自己的有效资源。努力开创资源服务全新路径的研究和探索,仿照现实书店的书架,在数字图书馆建设虚拟的网络课程书架,解决相关技术问题,筛选整合并上传专业课程资源,满足了师生通过网络课程书架进行第二课堂学习的需求,使师生能够方便快捷地找到自己需要的学习资源,符合信息
【摘 要】 疫情期间,中小学面授教学难以开展,为实现“停课不停学”,在线教学成为中小学保障教学进度最为重要的方式。在这一极端的情况下,中小学师生与在线教学被迫进行了首次碰撞,一场史无前例的大规模在线教学实践拉开序幕。本研究基于北京师范大学“停课不停学”优秀网课案例征集活动,挑选其中高质量且最具创新代表性的100个案例作为研究对象,并从教学交互的视角切入构建了在线教学案例的分析框架,据此对案例进行
海词积累  1. bubble n. 气泡  2. glacial adj. 冰川的  3. compression n. 压缩  4. accumulate v. 积累  5. organic adj. 有机的;器官的  6. impurity n. 杂质  7. contact n. 接触  Stephen Warren, study leader at the University of W