
来源 :中国-东盟博览(旅游版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangcaihong121
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  近年来,广西壮族自治区文化和旅游厅组织广西文化艺术团多次承接中国—东盟重大建交展演活动,赴印尼、新加坡、马来西亚、文莱、柬埔寨、 越南等东盟国家进行文艺展演。其中,“歡乐春节”活动在东盟各国的文化交流活动中,获得了强烈的反响,形成了良好的品牌效应。广西文旅走东盟,在中国—东盟文化交流中扮演着重要的角色。
  Guangxi's culture and tourism shinning inASEAN
  As the site of holding China-ASEAN Cultural Forum (CACF), Guangxi and ASEAN countries are geographical neighbors and culturally connected with a long history of friendly contacts, which makes Guangxi increasingly become the bond and window of China-ASEAN cultural exchanges.
  In recent years, in memory of the establishment of China-ASEAN diplomatic relations, the Guangxi Culture and Art Troupe organized by the Department of Culture and Tourism of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region has undertaken many performances in Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Cambodia, Vietnam and other ASEAN countries. Among which, the “Happy Chinese New Year” art performances were warmly welcomed by ASEAN countries, forming a good brand effect. Guangxi's culture and tourism play an important role in the cultural exchange between China and ASEAN.
  On July 10-13, 2013
  The exchange activities and performances of “2013 Thailand-China (Guangxi) Year of Culture·Splendid Guangxi” were held in Bangkok, Thailand. This picture shows H.R.H. Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn of Thailand was watching the Guangxi Traditional Embroidery Art Exhibition.
  On December 27, 2016
  A series of commemorative activities marking the 25th anniversary of China-ASEAN dialogue relations was launched in Siem Reap, Cambodia. All member states celebrated it by holding discussions and art performances. On the evening of December 28, 2016, Guangxi sent a strong cast to perform with performers from ASEAN countries.
  In January 2017
  The Guangxi Culture and Art Troupe held the 2017 Laos “Happy Chinese New Year” Temple Fair in Vientiane, Laos. The Temple Fair held many activities such as artistic performance, folk customs display, food appreciation, Chinese (Lao) books exhibition, Chinese traditional handicraft teaching, Chinese traditional culture experience and so on.
  广西文化艺术团在马来西亚、文莱举办“美丽中国·心仪广西”欢乐春节文化交流活动。热闹欢畅的场面和悠扬动听的旋律为马来西亚、文莱观众呈上一道年味十足的视觉盛宴,让当地民众零距离感受了中国传统文化的魅力。   In March 2018
  Guangxi Culture and Art Troupe held “Beautiful China·Scenic Guangxi” Happy Chinese New Year Art Performance in Malaysia and Brunei. The lively and cheerful scenes and melodious melodies presented Malaysian and Brunei audiences with a visual feast full of Spring Festival's atmosphere, allowing local people to experience the charm of traditional Chinese culture.
  On May 29, 2018
  The opening ceremony of the “Beautiful China·Scenic Guangxi — 2018 Laos ‘China Cultural and Creative Products Exhibition Week’” was held at the National School of Arts, Laos. Guangxi Culture and Art Troupe performed classics works of puppetry.
  On July 2, 2018
  The Chinese Embassy in Cambodia held a reception to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Cambodia at the Diamond Island Convention and Exhibition Hall in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
  From January to February 2019
  The Guangxi Culture and Art Troupe organized by the Department of Culture and Tourism of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region held “Beautiful China·Scenic Guangxi” Happy Chinese New Year Art Performance in Singapore and the Philippines. In this event, the troupe performed three stage shows at the performing arts center, Marina Bay, Singapore, and performed Caidiao Opera, Gui Opera and Peking Opera for audiences at Rizal Park, Manila, the Philippines.
“花山”是壮语“岜莱”的汉译,“岜”是山的意思,“莱”则指麻点密布,因涂绘于灰黄色崖壁上的赭红图像在远眺之下呈现为斑斑点点的红色麻点而得名。  2016年7月15日,中国广西左江花山岩画文化景观在第40 届世界遗产大会上获准列入世界文化遗产名录。该项目成功申遗,填补了中国岩画类世界遗产名录的空白。  “二广深谿石壁上有鬼影,如淡墨画。船人行,以为其祖考,祭之不敢慢。” 宋人李石的《续博物志》卷八中
湄公河自北而南穿越老挝,途经老挝1500多公里。有人說,湄公河是老挝的国魂,是这个国家商业活动的轴心。奔流的湄公河在老挝北部与南康江汇合,就在这两河交汇、群山环抱的谷地,孕育出老挝的文化故都——琅勃拉邦。这座精致的古色古香的小山城,距离首都万象市大约有500多公里,是老挝现存的最古老的一个城镇,距今已有两千多年的历史。  这座千年古城,至今保留着大量古寺庙和古建筑,经联合国专家组考察,琅勃拉邦全市
Wax printing, also known as Chinese batik, is one of three ancient Chinese handicraft methods to make dyed, multi-colored clothes via a process which prevents the dye from reaching certain parts of th
阿瑜陀耶,又名大城,是泰国旧时的国都,位于泰國首都曼谷以北86公里处。1349年正值泰国素可泰王朝衰落,当时的素攀太守乌通因当地霍乱流行而率领群众向东而行,最后在暹罗湾附近一座有三条河流交汇的岛屿定居了下来。1350年,乌通宣布脱离素可泰,创建阿瑜陀耶王朝,将都城定为阿瑜陀耶,寓意为“不可攻陷之城”。  鼎盛时期的阿瑜陀耶,是世界首屈一指的国际大都市,城内王宫瑰丽,佛塔如林,人口稠密,各国使节与商
缅甸母亲河伊洛瓦底江在向南奔流的途中,大片的灌溉田野横插在江河流域干旱的地区内,在那里还散布着许多红瓦砖砌成的古建筑。2014年6月,在卡塔尔多哈举行的第38届世界遗产大会上,这些古建筑被划进世界文化遗产名录中。自此,由汉林(Halin)、毗湿奴(Beikthano)和室利差呾罗(Sri Ksetra)三个城市组成的骠国古城揭开了面纱,再现缅甸一千多年的繁荣史。  缅甸文化,始于骠国  缅甸是一个
In the old days, she was a vital military area where death and fighting always happened. In contemporary, she is a crucial trade city with flourishing border trade. The harmonious coexistence of the p
乾隆二十二年(1757年),西方国家在中国沿海地区进行的非法贸易活动猖獗,清廷因此封闭了福建、浙江、江苏3处海关,只留广州十三行这一个口岸通商,此后,十三行独揽中国外贸长达85年。  就在这长达将近一个世纪时间里,产于广西梧州的六堡茶成为了中国近代对外贸易史的重要注脚。  茶船古道上的侨销茶  中国已故著名茶叶专家庄晚芳教授根据南北朝时期的《桐君录》等史料考证,六堡茶的产制历史可追溯到1500多年
广西都安澄江国家湿地公园,桂西北的生态绿洲,地球之肺。湿地公园内生长着许多湿地特有的植物,同时也拥有着众多野生动植物资源。澄江国家湿地公园景观四季如春,即使是在冬季,园内水量依旧丰沛、植被茂盛,从空中俯瞰,连绵的湿地阡陌纵横,充满勃勃生机,呈现出山青、水碧、草美的生态美景。  澄江国家湿地公园孕育着多姿多彩的生命,有丰富的湿地动植物资源,包括了普通野生稻、水蕨、樟树、任豆4种国家二级重点保护植物,
In China, tea is more than a beverage. If you're a tea lover and just want to buy some top-grade, authentic and even rare Chinese tea, please come to Wuzhou, Guangxi! Situated at the subtropical monso
我只是一名曾经在这里工作过的工匠。在那懵懂的夏日午后,我睡梦间恍惚见到了她们缓步走来,走进我雕好的神龛,静定站立着,露着浅浅的微笑。她们知道这一次睡梦可长达千年,再醒来时,我还会再来,在众多游客间走过,把她不慎遗落在石壁下的花拾起。  ——《吴哥之美》  女王宫,是六天吴哥行程中最让我恋恋不舍的地方,美的氛围总是让人难以割舍。墙壁、立柱、门楣等建筑表面几乎完全被浮雕覆盖,没有一点空隙。这些浮雕刀工