Comparative Analysis of Metaphors of Animal Idioms in Chinese and English

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  【Abstract】Lakoff and Johnson provide a new perspective to study metaphor from the angle of cognitive, that is the conceptual metaphors defined by them. The current research attempts to discover the differences and similarities of the way of understanding metaphors in Chinese and English comparatively through the analysis of animal idioms from the point of view of cognitive. Therefore, it can not only uncover the different cognitive patterns and cultural values of the two countries, but also help learners to mater the other language better.
  【Key words】Animal idiom; Conceptual metaphor; Cultural difference

1. Introduction

  Metaphor can be regarded as an important tool for ordinary people to understand the world around them. In 1980s, the approach of cognitive has been adopted to the study of metaphor. With the occurrence of Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMD), it is held that metaphor is grounded in the constant interaction with the physical and cultural environments of human beings. Later, Shu Dingfang (2002: 128) distinguishes “the cross-cultural and within-culture variations of metaphor. There has been built a close relationship between human beings and animals. With the purpose of enlarging their vocabulary and expressing certain emotions, people tend to use more and more metaphors with animals. However, few attentions have been paid to the study of animal idioms.

2. Analysis of Metaphors of Animal Idioms in Chinese and English

  The current research makes a contrastive analysis of English and Chinese through the analysis of metaphors of animal idioms. Animal idiom metaphors are classified into the ontological, the humanistic and the overt types in the current research. Ontological metaphor refers to human being’s physical entities and the experience of the world so that people can express their abstract feelings. For example, “害群之馬” in Chinese symbolizes the evil who wants to disintegrate the entity. Ontological metaphor can describe state, modify action and state quality. For example, “鸠形鹄面” in Chinese symbolizes the skinny, white-faced of a man’s physical state. Humanistic animal idiom metaphors reflect the ideology of human center. For example, “Monkey Around” in English means that someone behaves in a casual and silly manner, “鹤立鸡群” in Chinese means the man’s outstanding and brilliant among the peers...Overt animal idiom metaphors refer to the prominent part in the perception of the things. For instance, “初生牛犊不怕虎” in Chinese. It should be mentioned here that in traditional Chinese culture, the term “牛” and “虎” represent the opposite position. So the idiom is used to express the young man with little experience in a certain field will fear nothing. There are also many other idioms related to “牛”, such as “牛脾气” refers to the bad temper and stubborn characteristic of a man…

3. Results and Conclusion

  The thesis lays emphasis on the animal idioms metaphors in English and Chinese. The two languages have some cultural overlap for certain animal idioms are embodied with similar connotative meanings. However, the differences between the two countries are more obviously. There are some similar meanings but embodied in different animal images, for example, in order to describe the timid and faint-hearted of a man, in Chinese people tend to use the term “膽小如鼠”, whereas in English they tend to use the term “chicken-livered”. Besides, there are also the same animal with opposite meaning in English and in Chinese.
  It can be concluded that animal idiom metaphors are of great importance in enlarging the vocabulary of daily language. Then, in terms of the different views on the images of animals, it is the factors of religion, culture and customs that affects the explanation of the idioms. Therefore, the thesis uncovers the different cognitive patterns and cultural values of the two countries, so that it can help learners to mater the other language better.


  [1]Cameron, L. Researching and Applying Metaphor[M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Languages Press
【摘要】随着素质教育的深入推进,高校《综合英语》课程在思政教学体系下要不断加强课程的德育能力,充分将思政元素渗透到英语课程中,通过社会主义核心价值观的渗入体现出英语学科的思政价值,为国家输出更多具有较强的政治觉悟以及爱国情怀的高素质人才。为此,本文以英语专业为例,分析高校《综合英语》课程中蕴含的思政教育价值,并论证了通过英语课程进行思政教育的重要意义,以此来实现高校《综合英语》的思政教育。  【关
【摘要】在教育事业持续加大力度、深入推进过程中,新课标的落实也愈加全面和具体,使得初中英语教学与小学英语教学之间存在较大落差,也让两个阶段的英语教学衔接成为全新问题,且这种问题伴随时间的推移愈加复杂和严重,已经到了必须解决的地步。本文笔者就针对新课标下小学英语和初中英语课堂教学有效衔接进行深入探究,阐述自身观点与建议,希望可以给相关教育工作者带去实质性的帮助。  【关键词】新课标;小学英语;初中英
【摘要】在课堂教学中教学行为主要是教师在传授知识时所应用的方法,希望能够以此完成学习目标。随着新课程标准的实行,对教师行为也提出较多新的要求。初中英语教师中的课堂行为可以有效提升教学质量。此次研究主要是探讨分析初中英语教师课堂教学行为的有效性,希望能够对相关人员起到参考性价值。  【关键词】初中英语教师;课堂教学行为;有效性  【作者简介】张玉凤,山东省东营市垦利区第二实验中学。  教育的目的在于
一、引言  阅读教学是高中英语教学的一个重点和难点。传统的教学方法侧重讲解知识点而割裂了文章的内在联系。老师大多依赖教科书和教学参考书,忽视了教学方式的独立性和创造性。<<普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版)>>强调要发展学科核心素养,落实立德树人的根本任务。事实上英语阅读课就是学生发展思维品质,提升思维能力的有效平台。目前南京梅山高级中学所教的教材是上海版《牛津英语》。它的课文大多篇幅较长,内容
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【摘要】在新课程改革的背景下,我国高中教育阶段各个学科的教学目标都发生了一定的变化,英语学科核心素养的培养受到了越来越多的重视。对于高中英语学科来说,课程教学除了最基本的语言能力之外,还应培养学生的学习能力、思维品质以及文化意识。本文将从课外阅读的角度切入,探讨对英语学科核心素养培养的相关研究,并提出切实可行的策略。  【关键词】高中英语;课外阅读;核心素养  【作者简介】刘建辉(1971.12-
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