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  Travelers take to home-sharing options for unique experiences
  Sep. 3, 2019 (China Daily) -- A report released by the State Information Center revealed that revenue from home-sharing listings in China reached about RMB 16.5 billion yuan in 2018, a 37.5% increase over 2017. There has been a big increase for Airbnb Plus-the highest-quality homes on the platform as more visitors seek well-decorated and cozy places.
  Travelers take to home-sharing options for unique experiences
  Sep. 3, 2019 (China Daily) -- A report released by the State Information Center revealed that revenue from home-sharing listings in China reached about RMB 16.5 billion yuan in 2018, a 37.5% increase over 2017. There has been a big increase for Airbnb Plus-the highest-quality homes on the platform as more visitors seek well-decorated and cozy places.
  National museum holds exhibition on ancient Chinese books
  Sep. 6, 2019 (China Daily) -- China's National Museum of Classic Books unveiled an exhibition in Beijing to showcase the preservation and inheritance of ancient Chinese books over the past 70 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China. More than 330 precious collections from over 70 public institutions and private collectors around the country.   China Tourism Industry Expo opens in Tianjin City
  Sep. 9, 2019 (China Daily) -- The China Tourism Industry Expo opened in northern China's Tianjin City, highlighting the integration of culture and tourism. The China Tourism Industry Expo has been held for 10 consecutive years in Tianjin. The expo in 2018 saw on-the-spot and intentional transactions of nearly RMB 10 billion yuan.
  Shanghai Disney Resort allows visitors to enter with outside food after dispute
  Sep. 11, 2019 (Xinhua) -- Shanghai Disney Resort implemented a new policy allowing visitors to bring food and beverage into its theme park after its food ban triggered a dispute. The resort introduced the food ban in November 2017 to prohibit any outside food or snacks into the park, only allowing beverages in bottles less than 600 ml.
  Students attend the first writing ceremony in Lanzhou, NW China
  Sep. 11, 2019(Xinhua) -- Lanzhou Huaqiao Experimental School in Gansu Province held the first writing ceremony for children to experience traditional culture and meet new learning careers. During the ceremony there are rich traditional education activities like teacher makes cinnabar moles on a child's forehead, student beats a drum to express their ambition and so on.
  Beijing amusement park offers immersive travel experience
  Sep. 11, 2019 (China Daily) -- Guests are able to enjoy an immersive experience of “Flying all Over the World” at a newly built cinema in Beijing Shijingshan Amusement Park. After fastening their seat belts, guests watch a short video “Fly over the United States”  on a large spherical projection screen with a diameter of about 20 meters.
  Tiny performers lead foreigners to learn Chinese culture
  Sep. 12, 2019 (China Daily) -- The town of Xiaopu in Changxing County, Zhejiang Province held an event to celebrate the upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival, inviting foreigners to experience traditional Chinese culture such as making mooncakes and performing Peking Opera. Foreigners were taught Peking Opera moves by young performers from a kindergarten.
  Famed Chinese scenic spot Jiuzhaigou to reopen after quake
  Sep. 25, 2019 (Xinhua) -- Part of the Jiuzhaigou National Park in Southwest China's Sichuan Province will reopen to visitors on a trial basis, over two years after it was hit by a 7.0-magnitude quake, local authorities said. During the trial period, the park will open from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm daily and receive no more than 5,000 tourists per day. Tourists will need to buy tickets from designated websites before visiting the area, according to the park's management bureau, with all visitors required to join a tour group. After more than two years of rebuilding, 85% of the park's area is now ready to receive tourists, according to the bureau.
一提起“会长的榴莲园”,曾经在西港港华学校工作的老师脑海里就会不自觉地浮现出郑源来勋爵家的榴莲园。每年,郑会长都会多次邀请老师们到他的榴莲园做客,美味的咖喱鸡饭、香甜的榴莲、山竹,都让老师们流连忘返。每每想起,馨香满怀。  柬埔寨西南部的贡布省距离首都金边市150公里,这里土地肥沃、水源充足,宽广的甘再河穿境而过,直入大海。郑会长的榴莲园就坐落在贡布省甘再社。郑会长说,相比起当初祖父创立的榴莲园,
文莱达鲁萨兰国由4个行政区组成,由于历史的原因,其国土被马来西亚沙捞越隔开,一分为二。其中文莱—摩拉区、都东区和马来奕区位于文莱西部,这三块区域相互接壤,连成一片。被沙捞越隔开的淡布隆区,坐落在文莱东部,与其他3区遥遥相望。  比起首都斯里巴加湾的繁华、“石油城”诗里亚的殷实,淡布隆区就显得有些平实和简单,因为它没有什么可以炫耀的城市气派。然而上天总是公平的,将繁华和财富归于其他三个区之余,又将安
越南沙巴,日夜与山林同生。当地居民藏身云海,一年四季耕种播种,自给自足,建立着属于自己的乌托邦。  这个隐蔽的小镇坐落于越南北部的老街省,与中国云南山水相连。19世纪初,法国人为了休闲度假,便按照他们国家的建筑风格,开始兴建沙巴。直到如今,那些法式风格的街巷、教堂、餐厅、酒店等建筑,依旧保持着当初的那份悠闲和惬意。  沙巴迷雾,奇妙的交响曲  美丽的沙巴海拔1600多米,地处群山环抱之中,得天独厚
What would you do if you have an egg and a pair of able hands? Maybe your answer is a delicious scrambled egg served on the family dining table. However, there is another breathtaking answer — eggshel
从南宁市宾阳县政府所在地,往城北方向约5公里处,有一遗城,曰宾州古城。宾州古城包括三联街、南街、外东门街和宝水江在内约3平方公里的区域,始建于宋朝开宝六年(即公元973年),是广西四大古镇之一。宾州古城作为宾阳古代县、州、郡治地所在地,是宾阳建制伊始的政治、经济、文化中心,也是岭南地区古代重要商埠。  悠久的历史孕育了古城深厚的文化底蕴,踏入古城就宛如面对一本被人遗忘在僻静书架上的千年诗集,古朴而
In Tibet, people love to gather in a beautiful location. Sometimes it's for a simple picnic, other times a more elaborate affair lasting several days during which people camp in furnished tents, eat e
扬美古镇始建于宋代,繁荣于明末清初,至今已有上千年的历史。自建镇到民国年间,一直是近百公里范围的商品集散地,繁荣一时,素有“小南宁”之称。扬美是南宁市明清古建筑保留得最为完整的地方,保留下来的文化遗产遍布全镇,现有二百多处,大多分布在古镇内的各街巷里。  这里三面环山,一面临江,层峦叠翠,河水清澈,古树参天,翠竹成林,蕉林似海,清荷飘香,一派田园风光。江上烟雨濛濛,意境悠远;古镇沿江而建,绵延深长
“大圩江上芦田寺,百尺深潭万竹围,柳店积薪晨釁后,壮人荷叶裹盐归。”——明代才子解缙曾经流放桂林,写下了著名的《大圩》诗,而他笔下盛极一时、村民赶集的繁荣情景之地,正是如今坐落在漓江东岸的大圩古镇。大旅行家徐霞客也曾于丁丑崇祯十年闰四月二十六日途经大圩熊村,在他的游记中记下了这样的话:“聚落甚盛,为甫中所仅见”,盛赞了古镇的繁荣昌盛。  中国文化名镇  圩,即是集市、赶场,又名“赶闹子”“逢闹子”
It is often said that art comes from life, but dramatizes life. For ancient Chinese, their definitions of “folk culture” are not only rooted in what can be seen and felt in their personal lives, but a
琅勃拉邦,一座鲜花盛开的简约小城,在这里你很难看到KFC之类的连锁速食餐厅,也很难找到一家沃尔玛之类的连锁大卖场,即便如此,这里也备受游客们青睐,现本刊挑选几家在广大住客中口碑较好的酒店,以供选择。  View Khem Khoung Guest House  清孔景观旅馆位于市中心地段,毗邻河畔,属于琅勃拉邦经济酒店,共有11间房,干净卫生,酒店禁烟,提供空调、免费WIFI、客房送餐、洗衣等服务