Accuracy of triage strategies for human papillomavirus DNA-positive women in low-resource settings:

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Objective:CareHPV is a human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA test for low-resource settings (LRS).This study assesses optimum triage strategies for careHPV-positive women in LRS.Methods:A total of 2,530 Chinese women were concurrently screened for cervical cancer with visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA),liquid-based cytology and HPV testing by physician-and self-collected careHPV,and physician-collected Hybrid Capture 2 (HC2).Screen-positive women were referred to colposcopy with biopsy and endocervical curettage as necessary.HPV-positivity was defined as ≥1.0 relative light units/cutoff (RLU/CO) for both careHPV and HC2.Primary physician-HC2,physician-careHPV and self-careHPV and in sequential screening with cytology,VIA,or increased HPV test-posidvity performance,stratified by age,were assessed for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) grade 2/3 or worse (CIN2/3+) detection.Results:The sensitivities and specificities of primary HPV testing for CIN2+ were:83.8%,88.1% for physiciancareHPV;72.1%,88.2% for self-careHPV;and 97.1%,86.0% for HC2.Physician-careHPV test-positive women with ⅥA triage had a sensitivity of 30.9% for CIN2+ versus 80.9% with cytology triage.Self-careHPV testpositive women with ⅥA triage was 26.5% versus 66.2% with cytology triage.The sensitivity of HC2 test-positive women with ⅥA triage was 38.2% versus 92.6% with cytology triage.The sensitivity ofphysician-careHPV testing for CIN2+ decreased from 83.8% at ≥1.0 RLU/CO to 72.1% at ≥10.00 RLU/CO,while the sensitivity of selfcareHPV testing decreased from 72.1% at ≥1.0 RLU/CO to 32.4% at ≥10.00 RLU/CO;similar trends were seen with age-stratification.Conclusions:ⅥA and cytology triage improved specificity for CIN2/3 than no triage.Sensitivity with ⅥAtriage was unsuitable for a mass-screening program.ⅥA provider training might improve this strategy.Cytology triage could be feasible where a high-quality cytology program exists.Triage of HPV test-positive women by increased test positivity cutoff adds another LRS triage option.
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