当代世界以微电子技术为基础的新技术革命浪潮正在改变着诸多科学领域的面貌。可以说,当前最重要的战略资源就是信息。因此,信息资源的开发和利用,信息的社会化,成为人们普遍关注的问题。现今各国已认识到,谁掌握了信息,谁就有了决策的主动权。 一九八四年,邓小平同志为《经济参考》书写的题词:“开发信息资源,服务四化建设”,深刻地揭示了信息资源对四化建设的重要意义。为了加快我国的四化建设、迎接新技术革命的挑战,努力开发信息资源已经成为发展我国经济的一项刻不容缓的任务。
The wave of new technological revolution based on microelectronics in the contemporary world is changing the face of many scientific fields. It can be said that at present the most important strategic resource is information. Therefore, the development and utilization of information resources and the socialization of information have become the issues of general concern. Nowadays all countries have realized that whoever holds the information has the initiative to make decisions. In 1984, Comrade Deng Xiaoping wrote the inscription for Economic Reference: “Development of Information Resources and Construction of Four Modernizations”, which profoundly reveals the significance of information resources to the four modernizations. In order to speed up the four modernizations in our country and meet the challenge of the new technological revolution, efforts to develop information resources have become an urgent task for developing our economy.