Foreseeing trouble

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   What PR trends are you seeing in China?
  The concept of SoLoMo, which stands for social, local and mobile and was coined by John Doerr in 2011, nicely explains what I see the PR trends are like in China. China currently has 618 million internet users, 500 million mobile internet users, 281 microblog users and 355 million users of WeChat [a mobile messaging app].
  With such a huge number of netizens, social media and digital communications is a key trend if you want to communicate effectively in China. Traditional media, such as television, radio and print media remain impor- tant though. The adoption of smartphones and tablets, as well as the introduction of 4G telecommunication standard enable seamless communications via mobile.
  When we talk about PR in China, we talk much about local. To resonate, PR practitioners have to identify local news angles to do storytelling appealing to the local audiences. It is also important that a company is perceived to be committed to the China market and actively contributing to local society. On the other hand, PR companies should also realize the potential of local companies who are actively going and looking to go international. Agencies are required to help their local clients to go global.
   Can you give some examples of your work for clients in China?
  More and more clients come to EBA for integrated communications. It is to support them from setting up marketing communications strategy, developing message framework, training local spokesperson, media relations, social media, event management and measurements. PR is a creative industry. We must be able to anticipate and to create. The challenges are hence to stay up-to-date on the local political, economic and social matters and to anticipate the upcoming communications channels and how different audiences react to these communications channels to find the best way to be agile.
   Do Chinese and foreign firms have big differences in requirements? If so, what are they?
  Both Chinese and foreign companies are getting more aware of the importance of building, reinforcing or reinventing their brands and are taking actions to step up their communications efforts. I will say that it is to do with the aspiration for transparency from the general public and market competition.
   Do you advise on crisis PR? What advice do you have for foreign companies that can be the target of media scrutiny like McDonalds and Apple?   In most cases, a crisis arises or gets escalated because of poor communications.
  EBA does crisis communications. This is a service which we are doing very well and seeing more and more interest from clients. We help clients to set up crisis communication strategy, guidelines and procedures and processes to mitigate risks, minimize damage or even turn around a crisis to enhance the image as a good corporate citizen.
  In short, companies should not wait till a crisis comes to start thinking of crisis communications.
  My message to the foreign companies is that they should never be perceived to apply double standards between their home country and in China. They need to show long-term commitment to the China market.
   How do you see the Chinese market developing? What sorts of PR services do you see companies operating in China needing in the future?

  I started doing communications in China dating back to 1993. I am amazed by how much China has achieved. In the old days, communications was more focused on product promotion. It was used to support sale and business development. Companies are becoming more committed to reputation management. It also leads to a blue ocean for PR practitioners and it is CSR [corporate social responsibilities] communications.
  As mentioned above, integrated communications is a key driver in the PR industry globally and in particularly in China. Most Chinese companies have just started seriously doing communication. They need to heavily invest in the groundwork. That is strategy, message development, crisis communications, communications training and the cultural difference between China and any of the markets Chinese companies want to go to. I am pleased to see that Chinese companies are getting more confident and be willing to communicate.
  One very interesting thing I can see is that many companies are put- ting focus on internal communications. It is to engage and embrace their employees. Talent acquisition and staff retention is a major challenge too.
  To effectively communicate, people go back to the basics. Content is more recognized as the king[in communication]. Channel comes second. PR practitioners must be able to generate content, both written and non-written, to reach the people who matter via the different and evolving communications channels. Mobile communications also enable communications in a global scale. It brings out the importance of visual content like videos, photos and infographics.
   What is the challenge that you face from local PR companies?
  I see lots of opportunities for PR companies in China. I am also pleased to see that local PR companies are competing with their international counterparts. I always think that EBA sits in the middle of local and international companies as our origin was from Hong Kong. We know both sides of the fence well. It is also our unique selling point that we can bridge the East and the West.
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编者按: 时代激烈的竞争,生活节奏过快,精神压力过大,对于每个人来说,都是无法逃避的。  倍受瞩目的IT界人士更让人担忧。这个行业人员的年轻化和竞争的残酷性都是最突出的,但现在整个社会都是技术至上论,对社会的了解,对自身的了解都被忽略了。  自二战以来,患抑郁症的人数已经翻了一倍;在美国,有500万人服用抗抑郁药,每年自杀人数超过30万,而他们仅2亿人口。中国13亿人口,20万自杀者中又有多少是在
不管你是平民百姓,还是成功人士,都难对抑郁症有免疫力。在总统竞选失败后,老布什曾经得了两个月的抑郁症;在与莱温斯基桃色新闻被传得沸沸扬扬的日子里,克林顿靠服用抗抑郁药度过了精神危机,英国已故王妃戴安娜也曾患过产后抑郁症,因被私人医生早期发现,给予积极的治疗后最终相安无事;但香港艳星陈宝莲却因产后抑郁症跳楼自杀了。这是为什么呢?分娩的女性如何避免与产后抑郁症“亲密接触”呢?    与产后抑郁症有关的
作者简介:  孙鸿宾,男,1926年2月出生。曾读过4年私塾,1948年参加工作,在当地新华书店、初级中学任职。1979年因病开始自学《针灸学》、《推拿法》等医学著作,并在当地老年大学讲授养生保健等课程,近年来发表近百篇养生保健类科普文章。     按摩无副作用,不花钱,能治病,人人可以动手。针灸效果快?熏有微痛,不过,进针时快速刺破皮肤就不痛了。现把自我按摩的“十要穴治病歌”介绍如下,作为本次系
幕僚只能当“辅政大臣”,不能想“垂帘听政”;幕僚只是碰撞者,不是思考者;幕僚最不能有抛弃、抱怨和沮丧的情绪,“促进问题的解决”是他最基本的职业素养。  王栋,你“只能自个儿成全自个儿”的感叹道出了幕僚行当普遍存在的困境,也反映了这个饭碗的不易。不过在我看来,问题更多来自你自身,请原谅我这么说。只当“辅政大臣”,别想“垂帘听政”  我想你一定会认同,任何人,如果没有清晰的自我定位,沟通上就会出现很多
6年前,我从一家自己参与创立并一手带大的国有企业退休。前脚刚离开,后脚就被老朋友介绍到了荣泰集团,给老板当顾问。还是老朋友了解我,我这辈子风风火火,从没停歇过,如果让我在家闲着,一定会“生不如死”。何况荣泰是全省规模最大的零售连锁企业,接这样一个“活”,也不算太丢人。  说实话,在一家企业呆了近40年后,心态是很怪的。那天清晨当我踏进这家企业的时候,竟然有一种久违的新鲜感。就像儿子不知不觉地长大,
【摘要】目的观察目标策略的针对性护理干预在颅脑外伤术后并发脑积水患者围手术期中的应用效果。方法选取2017年9月~2018年11月我院颅脑外伤术后并发脑积水患者98例,依照入院顺序分为针对性组(n=49)与常规组(n=49)。常规组实施常规护理干预,针对性组在常规组基础上实施目标策略的针对性护理干预。观察对比两组护理效果满意度、不良事件发生率、护理前后负面情绪(HAMD、HAMA评分)。结果 护理