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知识产权海关保护作为知识产权法律制度的组成部分,是伴随着世界经济形势发展和变化而赋予海关的一项新的职能。知识产权的私权性及利益平衡理论是知识产权的理论基石。TRIPs协议作为国际协议,要求成员承认知识产权的私权属性,且在平衡各成员利益基础上,构筑与贸易有关的知识产权保护的制度体系。知识产权海关保护制度具有不同于海关传统职能特点。其执法程序设置体现了知识产权私权属性,以及相关利益法律调整的价值目标。海关知识产权边境执法措施说明,公权力对于知识产权管理的介入,并非私权的公权化。而是基于知识产权特点,通过公法的调整和行政机关的管理,使得知识产权保护更为有效,呈现出私法公法化趋势。 As an integral part of the legal system of intellectual property, customs protection of intellectual property is a new function that is given to the customs along with the development and changes of the world economic situation. Intellectual property rights and the balance of interests theory is the theoretical cornerstone of intellectual property. As an international agreement, TRIPs requires members to recognize the private rights of intellectual property and to establish a system of trade-related systems of intellectual property protection on the basis of balancing the interests of all members. Customs protection system of intellectual property is different from the traditional customs functions. The set of law enforcement procedures embodies the property rights of intellectual property rights, as well as the interests of the law adjusted the value of the target. Customs border enforcement measures of intellectual property shows that the involvement of public power in the management of intellectual property rights is not the public right to private ownership. But based on the characteristics of intellectual property rights, through the adjustment of public law and the administration of the administrative organ, the protection of intellectual property is made more effective, presenting the tendency of public law of private law.
本刊今年第10期封面文章《江苏CIO运动》刊出后,许多读者发来了电子邮件,其中很多观点和见解显得异常鲜活,此次我们从中挑出两篇以供参考,同时欢迎读者共同参与探讨! This is
巴金深受外国文化的影响,尤其是法国文化。他自己就曾说:“在所有中国作家之中,我可能是最受西方文学影响的一个。”在20世纪20年代,他曾去法国留学,这段时间对他接触法国文化有着极大的帮助,他广泛涉猎法国文学作品,深入了解众多法国文学家,其中,卢梭、左拉、罗曼·罗兰是其非常钟爱的文学家。本文通过这三位文学家分析法国文化对巴金的影响。  一、卢梭对巴金的影响  卢梭是对巴金影响最早的法国作家。巴金自称:
大爱无言,而那备受呵护的心里却一直忘记不了向他伸出的手Thanksgiving Day was near.The firstgrade teacher gave her class a fun assignment—to draw a picture of some