As an integral part of the legal system of intellectual property, customs protection of intellectual property is a new function that is given to the customs along with the development and changes of the world economic situation. Intellectual property rights and the balance of interests theory is the theoretical cornerstone of intellectual property. As an international agreement, TRIPs requires members to recognize the private rights of intellectual property and to establish a system of trade-related systems of intellectual property protection on the basis of balancing the interests of all members. Customs protection system of intellectual property is different from the traditional customs functions. The set of law enforcement procedures embodies the property rights of intellectual property rights, as well as the interests of the law adjusted the value of the target. Customs border enforcement measures of intellectual property shows that the involvement of public power in the management of intellectual property rights is not the public right to private ownership. But based on the characteristics of intellectual property rights, through the adjustment of public law and the administration of the administrative organ, the protection of intellectual property is made more effective, presenting the tendency of public law of private law.