纵观世界上成功的巨级公司,不难发现一个特点,绝大多数企业的创始人或经营者(后来的董事长或总裁)都有过多年的推销员生涯。有的是做了数十年辛苦的推销员后,有了一定的经验和资金积累,创办了自己的公司;也有的是在创办公司后,一开始又当老板又当推销员。这方面例子很多:香港房地产巨人李嘉诚,IBM创始人托马斯·沃森,曾任福特公司总裁,后任克莱斯勒公司董事长的艾柯卡,索尼公司的盛田昭夫,台湾塑胶大王王永庆,“佐川快运”创始人佐川清……。难怪有人惊呼:“99%的董事长都做过数年的推销员”。是什么原因使得当初不起眼的推销员最终走上了企业董事长的位置,并使其企业获取成功的呢? 推销生涯磨练人的品质、意志,开发人的
Looking at the world’s most successful companies, it’s not hard to find a feature that most founders or managers (later chairman or president) have spent years as salespeople. Some do for decades after the hard salesman, with some experience and accumulation of funds, founded his own company, and some started after the company, the beginning when the boss and salesman. There are many examples in this regard: Hong Kong real estate giant Li Ka-shing, IBM founder Thomas Watson, former Ford president, Chrysler as chairman of the company after Iacocca, SONY Akio Morita, Taiwan’s plastic king Wang Yongqing, “Sagawa Express ”Founder Sagawa Ching ... .... No wonder someone exclaimed: “99% of the board members have been salespeople for several years.” What makes the original humble salesman finally embarked on the position of chairman of the enterprise, and to make their business success? Sales career hone the quality of people, will, the development of human