
来源 :福建党史月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:junyan04
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1929年5月、6月和12月,毛泽东、朱德率领红四军先后三次进驻福建新泉休整或整训,形成了以“思想建党、政治建军,调查研究、严明纪律,团结一致,开拓创新”为主要内涵的新泉整训精神。新泉整训精神是井冈山精神的丰富和发展,与以“坚定信念、艰苦奋斗,实事求是、敢闯新路,依靠群众、勇于胜利”为内涵的井冈山精神是一脉相承、创新发展的关系。新泉整训将井冈山革命根据地确立的“支部建在连上”原则发展到将党的思想建设放在首位;将六项注意发展到八项注意;将湘赣边工农武装割据发展到赣西南闽西革命根据地;从《宁冈调查》、《永新调查》发展到新泉整训调查。新泉整训为古田会议的召开创造了有利条件,为新型人民军队的建设指明了正确的方向,在中国革命史上具有重要的地位与作用。 In May, June and December 1929, Mao Zedong and Zhu De, led by the Red Army, had successively resumed or completed training in the New Spring, Fujian Province for three times. They formed a party with “ideological founding, political army building, investigation and study, strict discipline, solidarity and pioneering and innovation ”As the main connotation of the spirit of the new spring training. The spirit of training and training of Xinquan is the enrichment and development of the Jinggangshan spirit and the spirit of Jinggangshan with the connotation of “firm conviction, hard work, seeking truth from facts, daring to break new ground, relying on the masses and having the courage to win” is the result of the continuous development of Jinggangshan. The principle of “building branches under the leadership of the Party branch” established by the “Xinchuan training” will set the ideological priority of the party in the first place; the six attention points will be developed to the eight points of attention; the armed and armed separatism of the Hunan-Jiangxi border will be developed to the southwest of Jiangxi Province From the “Ningkang survey” and “Yongxin survey” to the development of Xinquan training manual. The training of the new spring has created favorable conditions for the convening of the Gutian Conference and pointed out the correct direction for the construction of the new people’s army and has an important place and role in the history of the Chinese revolution.
目的:比较不同转移潜能的鼻咽癌(nasopharyngeal carcinoma,NPC)细胞系5-8F和6-10B细胞蛋白质组的差异,筛选NPC转移相关蛋白质。方法:应用二维凝胶电泳(two-dimensional gel elect
【正】 1 十月革命胜利后,世界首次出现了社会主义与资本主义两种根本对立制度并存的局面。新生的苏维埃社会主义国家与资本主义世界体系是水火不相容的,列宁说,无论如何,国