以生殖健康为切入点 探索社区卫生服务新模式

来源 :中国妇幼保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaomai1212
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开展以生殖健康为切入点的社区妇幼卫生服务 ,让健康走向社区 ,进入千家万户 ,是城市社区卫生服务的一种新探索。江苏省南京市以生殖健康为切入点 ,依靠政府 ,协调社会多方面力量 ,组建生殖健康服务网络 ,从占 2 / 3人口的妇女儿童这一特殊人群的保健入手 ,使社区卫生服务蓬勃开展。生殖健康与广大群众的身体健康、各种疾病的防治、卫生科普知识的宣教等一系列医疗保健服务密切相关。社区生殖健康服务为群众提供方便、优质的医疗保健服务 ,拓展了整个医疗保健服务市场 ,真正使预防、保健、医疗、康复、健康教育和计划生育技术服务融为一体。 The development of community-based maternal and child health services that use reproductive health as an entry point, allowing health to reach the community and entering millions of households is a new exploration of urban community health services. Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, takes reproductive health as the starting point, relies on the government, coordinates the forces of various sectors of society, and sets up a reproductive health service network. This starts with the health care of women and children, a 2/3 population population, and enables community health services to flourish. Reproductive health is closely related to a series of health care services such as the physical health of the general public, the prevention and cure of various diseases, and the education of public health science knowledge. The community reproductive health service provides convenient and high-quality medical care services to the public, expands the entire healthcare service market, and truly integrates preventive, healthcare, medical, rehabilitation, health education and family planning technical services.
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李世南,浙江绍兴人,1940年生于上海。1962年师从何海霞先生,1971年师从石鲁先生。现为中国美术家协会会员、国家一级美术师 Li Shimin, Shaoxing, Zhejiang, was born in 19
【通用名】车前番泻复合颗粒。【曾用名】舒立通。【主要成分】5g颗粒中含2.71g卵叶车前种子(果壳),0.62 g番泻果实(相当于15mg番泻果苷)。【制剂】颗粒剂,每袋5g。【性状】