全国优秀农村基层干部王廷江说过,他所做的一切,就是为了“让群众说共产党好”。时传祥式的模范集体徐州下水道四班班长孙景华有云,“宁愿吃尽千般苦,换来市民夸政府。” 乍听这话,好大的口气。王廷江、孙景华虽然大小有个头衔,但在芸芸众生中仍属平头百姓。走在街上,不见得会有人多看他们一眼。怎奈二人“位卑言高”,一个把自己同整个共产党的形象挂起钩来,一个把自己同政府的荣辱连在一起,颇有点“自命不凡”的味道。
Wang Tingjiang, an outstanding grassroots cadre at the national level, has said that what he has done is to “let the masses say that the Communist Party is good.” When Xiang Xiang-style collective Xuzhou sewer four class monitor Sun Jinghua cloud, “would rather eat all the bitter, in exchange for the public praise the government.” At first glance, a good tone. Wang Tingjiang, Sun Jinghua Although the size of a title, but in all mortal beings are still ordinary people. Walking in the street, not necessarily someone to see more of them. Perseverance and dutiving two people with “high rank and teasing oneself”, one hooking themselves to the image of the entire Communist Party and the linking together of their own honor and disgrace with the government are rather “pretentious”.