“军队和老百姓,咱们是一家人……”斗转星移, 70余载,岁月峥嵘,风云变幻,这首曾经脍炙人口的老歌如今少有耳闻了。尤其时下那些不时抱怨世态炎凉、人情菲薄的人,即便听到也会唏嘘连连。其实,军民之间那种根深蒂固的深厚情谊一直绵绵延续,当人民群众的生命财产不幸受到威胁和损害时,子弟兵们还像当年的老红军、老八路一样,总是挺身而出,倾情相助。此情此景,在今天尤显可贵,当歌当赞。为此,本期特地编发两则危急时刻军爱民的典型篇章,意在让读者再次聆听那永不衰落的鱼水情歌。 ——编者
“The army and the common people, we are a family ... ...” The twists and turns, more than 70 years, years towering, ever-changing, this once popular universal old songs are now rare. Especially nowadays those from time to time complain about the cold world, meager people, even heard will sigh again and again. In fact, the deep-rooted friendship between the army and the people has continued. When the people’s lives and properties are unfortunate enough to be threatened and harmed, like the old Red Army and Laobada Lu of the same year, their brothers and sisters always stand forward and help others. This scene, especially in today’s valuable, when the song is praise. To this end, this issue specially compiled two typical moments of the military crisis Aimin chapter, intended to allow readers to once again listen to the never-ending decline of love songs. --editor