目的:评价亚甲蓝(Methyltltioninium Chloride)作为一种长效的神经阻断剂,用来阻滞阴茎背神经治疗早泄(PE)的有效性及安全性。方法:我们将阴道内潜伏射精时间(IELT)在2min之内,对综合治疗和口服药物治疗效果不佳者,或是难以坚持,依从性差的患者随机分为两组。从2009年6月到2012年6月,一共有102患者入选,51名患者行亚甲蓝注射,其中45名患者行阴茎背神经选择性离断术;另51名患者直接行阴茎背神经选择性离断术。IELT和男性性功能评价表(BMSFI)用来评价术前和术后手术以及两组直接的疗效和安全性。两组患者在年龄上没有统计学差异,IELT中位时间,自我控制能力和BMSFI中位分数术前及术后以及两组之间有统计学差异。结果:第一组中,最后有44名患者行选择性阴茎背神经离断术(SRDN),5名患者注射药物后无效果,2名患者有效果,但是放弃行SRDN。行亚甲蓝注射后,IELTs和自我控制能力明显提高(1.2±0.8 min vs.3.7±3.0 min for pre- and post-operative IELT, respectively,p <0.05).第二组中,43名患者效果明显,8名患者无改善。在SRDN后IELTs和自我控制能力显著提高(1.1±0.9 min vs.3.8±3.1 min for pre- and post-operative IELT, respectively,p <0.01)。在 BMSFI 评分表上在两组之间没有显著的差别。结论:亚甲蓝作为一种长效的神经阻断剂,可以用来阻滞阴茎背神经,治疗早泄。与选择性阴茎背神经离断术相比,更加安全,并且可以做为选择性阴茎背神经离断术的术前预测。“,”[Abstact]Object:To further clarify the efficacy and safety of Methyltltioninium Chloride on PE, we performed a preliminary,randomized,placebo-controled clinical observational study.Method: Persons with the complaints of rapid ejaculation, asking for circumcision because of redundant foreskin, intravaginal ejaculation latency time (IELT) within 2 min, not responding to antidepressant medication or disliking oral medication were randomly enroled in two groups. From june 2009 to june 2010, a total of 102 eligible persons were enroled, 51 of them received Methyltltioninium Chloride injection for blocking dorsal nerves of the penis, and those (n = 51) enroled in the control group which dorsal nerves of the penis were selectively resected only.Results:These which received Methyltltioninium Chloride injection,5 of them shown to be no efficiency,46 of them efficiency,and 44 of them received SRDN. IELT and the Brief Male Sexual Function Inventory (BMSFI) questionnaire were implemented pre- and post-operatively for the evaluation of the effect and safety of the surgery(1.2± 0.8 min vs. 3.7± 3.0 min for pre- and post-operative IELT, respectively,p < 0.05).Those received SRDN only,8 of them shown to be no efficiency,43 shown to be efficiency. Also, there were no statisticaly significant differences both in BMSFI composite and subscale scores between the two groups.Conclusion: Methyltltioninium Chloride as a long-acting nerve blocker can be used for blocking dorsal nerves of the penis,to cure PE.Compared with SRDN, Methyltltioninium Chloride injection shown to be more safety and predicted before SRDN.