影响我们日常生活的负面情绪,对身体极为有害,有时竟会成为致死的重要因素。《三国演义》中的周瑜和王朗,一个被气死,一个被骂死,就说明了负面情绪的可怕。负面情绪像发酵的垃圾,会污染我们的身心及影响到我们正在进行的事业,因此,健康人要善于向负面情绪说不。 排除怒气 研究表明,发怒会导致高血压、心脏疾病、关节炎和肥胖。极度压抑或爆泄怒气的人,生成癌肿的比率比一般人
Negative emotions that affect our daily lives are extremely detrimental to our health and can sometimes become an important factor in lethality. Zhou Yu and Wang Lang in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, one being mad at one, and one being scolded at death, illustrate the dreadfulness of negative emotions. Negative emotions like fermented rubbish can pollute our body and mind and affect our ongoing careers, so healthy people should be good at saying no to negative emotions. Exclusion of anger Studies have shown that anger can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, arthritis and obesity. Extremely depressed or vent their anger, the rate of cancer than the average person