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  Dear Mr. Wu Bangguo, President of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of China, distinguished authorities, dear friends,
  All my greetings to the people of Beijing and China and indeed to the world, since many people are watching live around the globe.
  Today, we are sending the invitation to come to the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games to a record number of National Olympic Committees. The representatives from all these National Olympic Committees are present, about which I am delighted.
  This marks the beginning of the final year’s 1)countdown to the Olympic Games in China. The world is watching China and Beijing with great expectations. The athletes also have great expectations and they are all looking forward to competing in the 2)state-of-the-art Beijing 3)venues. Many of them will have a taster of what is awaiting them, as today also marks the start of pre-Olympic test event competitions.
  With one year remaining until the Opening Ceremony, we have reached a place from which we can see both vast achievements behind us and the great potential that lies ahead. Beijing and China will not only host a successful Games for the world’s 4)premier athletes, but will also provide an excellent opportunity to discover China, its history, its culture and its people, with China opening itself to the world in new ways. Cultural interchange, respect and understanding will be the win-win of Beijing 2008 for the people of Beijing, China and of the world.

  Since July 2001, the Organizing Committee, led by President Liu Qi, has worked extremely hard to give Beijing an Olympic shape. Venues are almost finished and look fantastic. I would like to thank the 5)BOCOG team, the government and all the people involved in the preparations for their 6)sustained efforts and dedication over the last six years and for the good relationship we have established.
  The Olympic Games are the celebration of the values of Olympism and of sporting ideals by the youth of the world. They 7)engender dreams and inspiration in the hearts of young people everywhere.
  I therefore call upon you all to enjoy the Games one year from now.
  Thank you very much.

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