The former Soviet Union had huge stocksof biological agents. It’s almost impossi-ble to assess the real risks they pose.前苏联所拥有的大量生物武器制剂,目前所具有的真实危险性简直让人难以估量。 [参考译文]巴克特·阿特萨巴已经在阿拉木图附近的防止鼠疫研究所中工作了25年多,它只是前苏联大规模生物武器计划中的一个非官方部门,按研究所的日常惯例,是把几十种不同的菌株如炭疽菌、鼠疫菌和兔热菌存放在不上锁的冰箱中。但莫斯科对哈萨克斯坦社会生活的牢牢控制给了这个实验室以可靠的保护。一层神秘的面纱也使得该研究所研究生物武器的角色不为当地居民所知。
The former Soviet Union had huge stocks of biological agents. It’s almost impossi-ble to assess the real risks they pose. There are a large number of biological weapons preparations in the former Soviet Union. The current real dangers are almost incalculable. It has been more than 25 years since Bakhit Atsaba had been working in the Institute for the Prevention of Plagues near Almaty. It was only an unofficial part of the large-scale biological weapons program of the former Soviet Union. It is a common practice to store dozens of different strains such as Anthrax, Yersinia pestis, and rabbit fever bacteria in an unlocked refrigerator. However, Moscow’s tight control over Kazakhstan’s social life gave this laboratory reliable protection. A mysterious veil also made the Institute’s research on the role of biological weapons unknown to local residents.