少时读《礼记》,读到“德者,得也”一句时,总以为有德者便能得到什么东西,而究竟能得到什么东西却模模糊糊。随着年事渐长、阅历渐丰,理解也渐深,也才渐渐明白,有德者能得到的并不是金银财宝一类的东西,而是别人的尊敬,做人的尊严。 古往今来,有德者得到“别人的尊敬,做人的尊严”的事例不胜枚举。《三国演义》中的诸
When reading a few books of “Book of Rites,” when reading a sentence of “virtue, you have too”, we always think that what virtue people can get and what we can get is vague. As things get older, their experiences are getting stronger, their understanding deepens, and they gradually come to understand that virtuous people can not get something like gold and silver treasures, but others respect and human dignity. Throughout the ages, examples of those who have the moral virtue of being “respectful of others and dignity of being human beings” are numerous. The Romance of the Three Kingdoms