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直观是达到教学目的的一种手段,通过直观可以说明事物现象,使学生感知新教材,形成观念和概念;唤起学生的想象,启发学生的思考,培养和发展他们的认识力、观察力和逻辑思维;给学生验证他们正在掌握的知识,并再生过去所感知的对象,使他们对所掌握的知识确信不疑,深刻记忆.而进行直观教学,在很大程度上是依靠教具来实现的。直观教具是不是在任何情况下都可以发挥积极作用呢?不是的。直观教具的制作和运用如果不能符合教学目的和要求,就会对学生掌握知识产生消极的影响。有的教师只讲究把直观教具做得很好看、很好玩,学生往往为“好看”和“好玩”所吸引,反而把学习任务丢开了.有的教师在运用直观教具的时候,让学生老是停留在直观的感受上,不引导学生进行分析、比较、综合、概括,从具体进到抽象,这就妨碍了他们思维活动的发展。有的教师在运用直观教具的时候,没有显出教材的本质和主要的东西,变成了形式主义地为直观而直观。还有的教师不考虑学生的具体经验,要学生观察他们所熟知的东西,把直观庸俗化了。诸如此类,都会使直观对学生掌握知识产生消极影响。所以在制作和运用直观教具的时候,必须考虑到要使学生在知觉过程中开展积极思维活动,分辨出所感知的教材中的本质和主要的部分,对所感知的教材能加以比较和概括。而在各个教学阶段中,直观的方式也应当有所不同,凡是学生所熟知的东西,就不须再来直接观察。只有时时刻刻考虑教具使用的目的和作用,正确地运用直观教具,才能充分发挥直观在教学中的积极作用.这是我们在制作和运用直观教具时必须注意的。 Intuition is a means to achieve the goal of teaching. Students can perceive things through intuition, perceive new textbooks and form concepts and concepts, arouse students 'imagination, inspire students' thinking, cultivate and develop their awareness, observation and logic Thinking; to students to verify that they are mastered the knowledge and regeneration of the past perceived objects, so that they have the confidence of the knowledge gained, profound memory, and intuitive teaching, to a large extent rely on teaching aids to achieve. Is it intuitive that teaching aids can play an active role in any situation? If the production and application of visual aids can not meet the teaching objectives and requirements, it will have a negative impact on students' mastery of knowledge. Some teachers only pay attention to visual aids to do well, it is fun, students tend to be “good looking” and “fun” attracted, but the task of learning to lose some teachers in the use of visual aids, let the students old Is to stay in the intuitive feelings, does not guide students to analyze, compare, synthesize, summarize, from specific to abstract, which hindered the development of their thinking activities. Some teachers, when using visual aids, did not reveal the essence of teaching materials and the main things and became formalistic and intuitive. Some teachers do not consider the specific experience of students, students should observe what they are familiar with, the visual vulgarization. And so on, will make the visual impact on students' mastery of knowledge intuitively. Therefore, in the production and application of visual aids, we must consider that in order to enable students to carry out positive thinking in the process of perception, to identify the essence of the perceived textbooks and the main part of the perceived textbooks can be compared and summarized. In all stages of teaching, the intuitive way should also be different, what students are familiar with, you do not have to come back to direct observation. Only when we consider the purpose and effect of the use of teaching aids at all times, we can give full play to the positive role of visual in teaching by correctly using visual aids, which we must pay attention to when making and using visual teaching aids.
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