怎样才能上好美术课,提高美术课的课堂教学质量呢?我认为关键有两点:一是要教给学生审美的方法,使学生认识美,并产生创造的欲望;二是要教给学生创造美的技巧,用自己的画笔去描绘最新最美的图画,去再现生活的美。动机是行动的向导,而产生动机的正是兴趣,学生只有当对某一被画对象发生兴趣后,才可能萌发要画好它的欲望。因此教给学生欣赏的方法,能使学生理解作品美在什么地方。欣赏的全过程,就是激发学生创造美的欲望的过程。 教给学生创造美的方法就是在美术课的课堂训练中,做到“三边一辅”。所谓“三边一辅”主要指在课堂教学中,要一边讲解技法要领,一边做技法动作的示范,一边让学生在自备画纸上学着画。在学生进行课堂作业时,强化发展学生思维的巡回辅导。
How can we improve the art class and improve the class teaching quality of art class? I think there are two key points: First, to teach students the aesthetic approach to enable students to recognize beauty and create the desire to create; the second is to teach students Create beautiful skills, use their own brush to paint the latest pictures of the most beautiful, to reproduce the beauty of life. Motivation is the guide to action, and it is interest to generate motivation. Only when the interest of an object is drawn is it possible for students to sprout their desire to draw it. Therefore, teaching students to appreciate the method that enables students to understand the beauty of the work where. Appreciation of the whole process is to stimulate students desire to create the process of beauty. The way to teach students to create beauty is to do “three sides and one auxiliary” in class training in art class. The so-called “three sides and one auxiliary” mainly refers to the classroom teaching, to explain the skills essentials, while doing the demonstration of technical action, while allowing students to draw their own drawing school painting. When students work in class, strengthen the development of student thinking tour counseling.