
来源 :天津社会科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:thinkthinkthink
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与晚清社会联系密切的留学生主要包括以容闳与严复为代表的留美幼童和留欧的海军生。清政府对留学生既想利用其一技之长,又恐惧其新思想冲击封建专制的矛盾心态和实用主义的用人方针,决定了留学生的“被边缘化”;留学生既想挤进官场发挥作用,又厌恶和难以适应清朝的官僚体系,由此决定了其与晚清政府的错位。导致这种现象的深层原因是,晚清社会没有凝练出适合留学生及其精英文化生存发展的良好气场。 The students closely related to the society in the late Qing period mainly consisted of young children from the United States, represented by Rong Ju and Yan Fu, and navy students who were studying in Europe. The Qing government decided that foreign students want to squeeze into the officialdom to play a role in both seeking foreign students’ ability to exploit their skills and fear that their new ideas would impact the contradictory attitude of feudal autocracy and their pragmatism. Disgusted and difficult to adapt to the Qing bureaucratic system, which determines its dislocation with the late Qing government. The underlying reason for this phenomenon is that the late Qing society did not condense a good aura that is suitable for the development of students and their elite culture.
坚持抓农业带全局的战略 ,突出棉花生产的支柱地位 ,这在团场经营者当中已经达成共识。但是在棉花跌价的市场风险冲击下 ,如何化解市场风险 ,提高棉农承包收入 ,保护职工承包