Is round—the—world private jet tour affordable?

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  In Europe and the U.S., travel or round-the-world travel by private jet is a growing trend. According to the CEO of Private Fly, in the U.S., although business travel accounts for a majority share of private jet charter, leisure travel is seeing remarkable growth, from 8% in 2008 to 22% in 1Q 2013. “Apart from group charter, there are certain customers who would like to fly private. Besides, charter flight works better for lavish family travel or travel with pets.”
  Louis Barres owns a Cessna Citation and flies it often for short haul trips. But this year, he leases a Gulfstream V from the business jet operator owned by Warren Buffet to take the 13 members of his family on trips to Europe, South America, and the Middle East. He has made similar travels over the past years, each trip costs from 300,000 dollars to 600,000 dollars (1.85 to 3.7 million RMB) depending on the number of passengers, distance of the flight, and other expenses. “Travelling around the world with a chartered jet is of course expensive, but compared with the busy airports, it is much more convenient for families travelling with kids. Besides, if there were any chaos in the place we visit, we can pull out quickly rather than waiting for scheduled flights.” But he also adds, if you are planning a family travel with private jet, don’t expect to save any money.
  Although it is less costly to travel with private jet in the Europe or in the U.S., most people could only afford a round-the-world charter flight once in a lifetime, and most of the money would be spent on the private jet. Today, customized individual round-the-world travel by private jet is more popular than group chartered travel.
  A typical round-the-world trip starting from the U.S. and covering over 10 countries takes about 25 days. If you fly a large civil aircraft converted private jet, configured with 30 to 80 seats, the cost per person, including hotel, food, and tours, would range from 50,000 to 100,000 US dollars, or 315,000 to 615,000 RMB. Popular themes of such trips include world heritage sites, ocean views and island life, wildlife treks, geographic discoveries, and five continents.
  Four Seasons Hotel, for example, offers an “Around the World with Four Seasons Private Jet” tour with a converted Boeing 757 that boasts of 50 spacious seats. The 23-day journey takes travelers to Hawaii, Bora Bora, Bali, Chiang Mai, Los Angeles, Sydney, Mumbai, Istanbul, and London. The rates are 87,950 USD per person twin share or an additional 10,000 USD for single travelers.
即使是对于很多葡萄酒专业人士,1945年的木桐葡萄酒(Chateau Mouton Rothschild)也有点高不可攀。曾经有一位名酒钦慕者,他几经辗转买到了一瓶1945年的木桐葡萄酒。兴奋之余,毫不吝啬请来了数位知己一起分享,大家举杯期待,内心激动,似乎即将品味的不仅是红酒,还是大半个世纪的岁月。  主人取出自己最趁手的一把螺旋开瓶器,备好了醒酒器,然后审慎地开始“解封”这瓶世纪佳酿。他下手很
“酿造好酒是一门技术,酿造美酒是一门艺术。”  蒙大菲酒庄(Robert Mondavi Winery)位于美国纳帕谷,被认为是最能代表美国精神的纳帕酒庄。酒庄创始人罗伯特·蒙大菲认为,美酒只有在同美食和艺术融合在一起的时候才能真正体现自己的价值。  罗伯特·蒙大菲对艺术的热爱也反映在他对葡萄酒品质的追求上。在上世纪60年代,蒙大菲酒庄酿造的赤霞珠葡萄酒将世界的目光带到了美国纳帕,一个在当时还默默
在旅途中开启厨房社交  学习烹饪到底为了什么?每个人的答案各有不用。在电影《Julie&Julia》里,学习烹饪和内心修炼有关,一个女人通过菜谱学习524道菜,经历各种失败、崩溃,从而塑造出强大的内心,找到了自我。而在城市的压力下,厨艺课或许是一个释放自己的窗口,尤其那些为了放松去旅行、度假的人们,在享受假期的同时可以用一节厨艺课彻底放松,一边学习治愈系的美食,一边认识陌生而有趣的人们,厨艺课或许
一沙一世界。平凡的沙子,在杨琪手中变换成嫦娥、地球、还有飞机……最终将时间与空间的巧妙转换传递给每一个欣赏她作品和观看表演的人,上演着一场关于飞行的梦想。  穿越时空的飞行梦想  为《私人飞机》杂志创作封面画作并不是杨琪第一次创作机械作品,之前汽车的元素也常常出现在他的画面中。“单纯画一个飞机太枯燥了,”杨琪说,“我觉得应该融入人的元素与感情在作品中。”  于是,一系列单纯沙画作品在杨琪手中变得不
“人的一生需要两次冲动,一次是奋不顾身的爱情,另一次就是说走就走的旅行。”但只有一种工具能够让你说走就走,无需更换其它交通工具环游世界,那就是公务机。无需像凡尔纳笔下的菲利亚·福格先生那样马不停蹄地走上80天,数日前尚在冰岛泡蓝湖温泉,现在已置身布拉格的伏尔塔瓦河畔,而数日后又行走于埃及沙漠中眺望金字塔……  在公务机上,环球旅行者不仅可以处理各种工作事物,甚至可以进行商务洽谈。在机场上,旅行者不
乘坐公务机进行环球旅行可行吗?现在提出这个疑问已经有些OUT了!  在欧美国家,利用公务机进行全球旅行在数年前已成气候。早在10年前,TCS & Starquest,A&K以及Planet Travels & Tours这3家著名的旅游公司已经推出了多条公务机环球旅行线路。“在一次简单的旅行中,你可以将世界著名景点尽收眼底,何乐而不为呢”,TCS & Starquest旅游公司的副总裁玛莎·沃顿说
《私人飞机》:公务机专机环球旅行有哪些好处?  孙山:使用公务机进行环球旅行的好处包括安排灵活,可以直达非洲、南美等没有直飞航线的目的地,无需转机,甚至可以到达国内旅客罕至的海岛,体验专属的旅游项目,还有就是在远途飞行过程中拥有恰如地面的舒适感,因为大型公务机可以在舱内设置卧室、淋浴,并可以准备餐食,提供娱乐设施;另外,还可以邀请伙伴,如朋友、生意伙伴,在飞行过程中借机拉近距离。  《私人飞机》:
在中国,我们能够乘坐公务机进行环球旅行吗?  很遗憾,除非你有私人公务机,否则这个问题的答案暂时还是否定的。到现在为止,中国的公务机旅行、度假大多依然是定点包机直飞,用飞机为全球两三个地点连线。一两个月时间走遍全世界,在全球多个文明之间穿梭的旅行方式,中国还没有公司推出。  金鹿公务机航空是较早涉足公务机包机旅游的机构之一。早在2008年,他们就曾推出“尊享公务机,品味西雅图”的专机直飞之旅。当时
对于拥有飞行驾照的人来说,完全可以自己租赁一架私人飞机以作旅行之用,这样就可以避免大量的服务费用,当然,如果财力足够,自己购买一架可以环球飞行的私人飞机就更棒了。尝试一次环球飞行,是每个飞行员的终极梦想,但不可否认的是,单人驾驶飞机环球飞行的难度系数极高。如何准备一次驾机环球飞行?环球飞行中会遇到哪些状况?如何应对?  选择一条完美的线路  首先您需决定是向西飞行还是向东飞行,向东飞行的好处在于顺
Is private jet round-the-world tour available in China?  Chinese business jet operators offer only direct charter flights to one or several destinations. Travel packages lasting one or two months and